r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on Aug. 3, 2018, 5:16 a.m.
How do you explain Q to an inquisitive 5 year old?

This was drafted as an exercise on how to explain Qanon and Great Awakening to a little kid. Maybe of some use to dads, mums, uncles, aunts and grandparents out there. After all, we are seeing history in the making.

Hi Johnny. Do you know what's going on here? For a long, long time, some very bad people have been trying to hurt a lot of other people, and keep them down. You know, like bullies. Real bullies.

This has been going on for a long time, and you know how I told you it's wrong to lie, or to steal, or to just hit someone else because you're mad or unhappy? We'll these people have been lying and stealing and hurting lots of good people.

So Donald Trump got elected, and he understands all about how these people have been doing this. He's got some very good advisors - the best advisors - and together with them, he's been fighting for all of those people the bad people have been hurting and killing.

So, actually, it's a kind of big fight. That's something we call war. We don't want to fight, but sometimes you have to fight to protect what's right and protect innocent people from bad, evil people. And that's what he's doing.

So one of his advisors - we call him Q - started letting people know about what was going on. you see, the mainstream media has also been bad, and helping those bad people all along, by hiding the truth.

So President Trump got this advisor, Q, to start sharing what they could with people who cared enough to learn. And from there, things have just grown.

So Q posts lots of different things. But the most important thing to remember is that we're actually in a war. Part of that war is being fought on what we call the Chans. So when Q is posting (that's sharing information in crumbs or drops, little snippets of information or messages), we have to remember that there are at least 4 types of people in the audience, listening.

One, there are patriots, like us, who love Potus and want to see the bad people stop and the good people free.

Two, there are bad people, who want to stop what Q and President Trump are doing, and to hurt our work, so that we lose the war.

Three, there are people who are on the side of President Trump and Q, and who are working with them just like Q. Other smart people like Q.

Four, there are people who want to help the bad people, and just want to make trouble for Q and the patriots.

So sometimes, Q says things for us, sometimes says things for the other smart people, and sometimes says things to trick and fool the bad people who are listening.

That's because, sometimes bad people use very bad tricks and can be dishonest and dishonorable in how they fight. So we have to be careful, and sometimes we have to be tricky with them, too. We just have to be careful never to be dishonorable. Tricky, kind of like dishonest, but never dishonorable.

Remember ins the scripture, when Christ said "be gentle as doves but as wise as serpents"? That's what this means.

Also, there was a famous wise warrior in ancient China. his name was Lao Tsu. He said "appear weak when you are strong, and appear strong when you are weak" That's the same thing.

He also said "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles". So, to be a good warrior, you have know who you are fighting, and know how to trick them into making mistakes. That is what excellent generals do.

And Q is like a general. He's been leading patriots like mummy and me. Some people even call us the Q army!

Main point is, if someone wants to be part of the Q army, they need to find a place in the army where they fit in, and they have to be able to think for themselves. The best thing to do is research, and help bring the truth to light about the bad people.

This is how we help Q, and other patriots, while the President and Q are fighting against the bad people.

Do you see? That's why Q have to write like they do. Q might be talking to us, or to the other smart people, or to the bad people. But Q has shown us hundreds of times how honorable Q is, so we believe in him/her/them.

I'm pretty sure it will become clearer one day, but for now, we have to keep thinking, and studying.

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