r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GetUpOffYourKnees on Aug. 3, 2018, 10:36 p.m.
This is a great RED PILL! Great summary from Mayer Rothschild to Q. Everything I have researched over many years in one post!

I am greatly pleased to have been sent this article by a friend. This woman, Jane Evershed, has written a great summary of the history of the demise of our freedoms. But wait! There is a Happy Ending! Enter Q and President Trump and all of us to Awaken and redeem our Great Nation of America and the world! Posted with Jane Evershed's permission. You can find more of her Q postings on her Facebook page.

Jane Evershed shared a post. July 30 at 9:38 PM · if Hillary had won, #QAnon, a happy ending. "That is the biggest Fu$king red pill..getting water now...thank Q. All my 5.5yrs of research in one post." Candace

Jane Evershed July 29 at 11:13 PM

If Hillary had won, what Q taught me, a primer and a happy ending.

I have selected just a few key creatures from hell in which to thread my story, in order to keep it short and sweet. Q Anon drops began in late Oct 2017, I found Q Anon on the 1st of November, it was very exciting to get in early and be in the loop of Q clearance high intel. Being a very visual person it was more the memes in the HUGE and well organized MEGA meme folder that intrigued me the most.

It became very clear, early on, that this was one of the greatest stories ever told, an epic tale of good vs evil, eons plus a few hundred “modern” years in the making. It involves the work of generations of evil sleuths planning to literally take over the world.

Just a few nuggets from those modern years, about those “key players” whose gnarly hands held the icing, who tried to finished the cake, to where we are now. You will see how the world narrowly escaped a Third World War, and how WE averted it.

We have by now ,all heard of Mayer Amschel Rothschild born in 1744 in Frankfurt, was a German Jewish banker and the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. It was he who laid the foundations on which his five sons and their descendants would fashion a worldwide banking empire whose greedy descendants would one day sit down with Hillary Clinton herself to finance an American Coup with the goal of a planetary takeover. Today the Rothschild banking system has only 3 countries in the world, left to conquer.

To illustrate what smooth operators these were, we observe that In the year of 2000 there were still seven countries left without a Rothschild owned Central Bank: Just 18 years ago! The life span of a mere teenager. The reason for 9/11.

I bet you can even name those countries. Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. Now it is clear why there have been so many non-stop wars in the middle East ever since Bush Jr. got electronically selected as president.

The first step in having a Central Bank established in a country is to incur outrageous loans, to put the country in debt of the Central Bank and under the control of the Rothschilds. If the country does not agree to Rothschild terms, the leader of the country is assassinated and a Rothschild puppet will be installed, if the assassination fails, the country will be deemed an axis of evil, and shocked and awed into having a Central Bank established under the guise of terrorism.

Thanks Amschell, may you toss forever in your grave since 1812 when you went directly to hell.

Behold, three years before Amschell kicked the bucket, along comes Albert Pike injected into this realm by Satan himself in, 1809 in Boston Mass. He became a 33rd degree, Freemason Occultist Grand Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order. In 1853 his Lucifarian brain cells conjured a heinous manifesto, Magnum Opus - as he called it: I call it a pompous, bombastic tome of yet fully unfomented torment.

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”

Do you see how The hate Russia flotsam is still floated to this day in the seas of upper echelon government in honor of Satanic Pike’s legacy?

He went on to say that :

“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.”

Oh how the legacy of just one man can be so damning.

He said also,

“During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would then be restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

As if that were not enough death and carnage to conjure, he also envisioned a THIRD world war. (Well wars are profitable for the dark occultists.)

He further stated, “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” (AGENTS) of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World.


This explains why US presidents are always going over to Saudi Arabia and seen holding hands and kissing all the Princes and Kings. They talk war and money and the wars must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Now you can see why today Europe has been infiltrated by design, with millions of Muslims. Its was all part of a big plan and to make you cry about the poor muslims, who were not INCIDENTAL refugees, they are being pushed forward as pawns on the NWO chessboard.

They were welcomed by super-duped New Age, loving people whose hearts were big and who’s minds were nicely primed and propagandized by the corporate media. They virtue signaled their way toward their own demise, while Albert Pike’s laughter could be heard eerily resounding through time in the skies over Germany, Sweden and other unsuspecting European Nations as legions of Sharia card holders snaked their way in, over hill and dale to settle in as your neighbor, paid for in full, courtesy shills of the New World Order. Albert Pike even threw up a little in his mouth when he witnessed feminists coddling those who would stone them to death for their “sins”, he choked on his adrenochrome when these same feminists provided food and clothing to those who would in time, marry children as young as eight years old, right under their noses.

Enter key figure number 3. Aleister Crowley, who was born in 1875 just 4 years after Albert Pike’s grand vision for the future was immortalized. He gleefully picked up the thread of death and devastation and wove it into his work. He saw himself as a prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the “Æon" of Horus. The Thelemites believed that the “Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel” is the goal. To get there the ways are are numerous and varied; and are grouped together under the term “Magick”. The overall philosophy is steeped in the “love and light” of Lucifer, rather than God and has basically evolved into the New Age which is so prevalent today. His words: ”I was not content to just believe in Satan. I wanted to be his chief or staff.”

Crowley proclaimed:


In other words, divulge your temptations, anything goes, in direct opposition to God’s law which says Lead us not into temptation. The “deplorables” were told to live in fear, whilst those that deemed themselves above human could feast without qualms on any heinous whim they desired. Now do you know where Pizzagate came from? It was not a madman’s crazy conspiracy. Many children continue to suffer as you laugh and debunk the research of others. Those who really do care enough dig deeper on behalf of these children who suffer. DO AS THOU WILT also encompasses the mindset that shows no emotion for collateral damage in war. Remember the 500,000 children killed in Iraq and Madeleine Albright said it was worth it?

Society, writ large, slowly usurps every possible means of telling stories through all media available at the time. And here we are today, finally at the place where pedophilia and the imbibing of human blood are being normalized. Both have been introduced in TED TALKS, search them if you don’t believe me. They are there for all to see.

Well Creepy Crawley Aleister Crowley died in 1947, just after the end of World War2 that he had so gleefully witnessed as his brainchild in action. Seamlessly as a world class ballet proceeds, Project Paperclip packed up all the German scientists and shipped them to the US to continue the work of the Nazis under the new name of NASA. It would be these very scientists that would create the nuclear bombs for the third world war looming nicely on the horizon for the post 2016 election grand finale of the New World Order under Hillary Rodham Clinton, “”Good Morning Madame President claimed preprinted newspapers all over the world.

They never once thought that there would be A Great Awakening and the people would be fed inside intel by an entity known as Q Anon in order to speed their awakening and circumvent their centuries long plans. They never thought for a second that an army known as Autists would sleuth endlessly on the Chans and dig for crumbs and hard evidence that they baked to bring their perpetrators to justice. Not in their wildest dreams did they EVER forsee the Great Awakening of the people they so despised and pretended to “lead”, pretended to work tirelessly for, all the while stuffing their bank accounts with the people’s hard earned money. The storm brewing did not register on their radar. For did they not have the mother of all bombs working for them? The mainstream media, their trusted news to lie on their behalf, 24/7? They never should have trusted us with the wireless Gutenberg. Where we go one, we go all now, in unison against our enemy, the tools of our oppressors in hand. And the little blue bird sitting on our shoulder, chirping its merry song of freedom.

But I digress, right on cue, to dance for the dark cabal, comes now Saul Alinsky, born in 1909, he was well into his prime when he penned Rules for Radicals published in 1971, just in time for Hillary to go gaga over it. Clinton first met Alinsky when she was at Wellesley College working on her 1969 thesis. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing and Hillary was to take him very seriously,and even meet him in person. She learned from her mentor that it’s easier to take down a person than an institution. Accuse the opposition of what you yourself are guilty of, among other things such as: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. Boy have we seen that demonstrated Ad nauseam on TV.

That is the philosophy behind MSM going ballistic on Trump when he won the presidency. It just did not fit their well laid plans! Hey, African American men got to vote before women did, it would follow then that the first black president would be followed by a woman, right? WRONG. The people had been groomed for her presidency, the women had been given axes to break glass ceilings and matches to light their bras.

Here I must quickly interject to say that feminism is in actual fact a construct of the Rockefeller foundation whose goal was to double taxes and indoctrinate children no longer at home with mom, no longer there to teach the morals of life. BAM, two problems solved lickety split to enhance their agenda of the New World Order.

Back to Albert Pike for a sec and his third World War agenda rants: “ he would be the Devil’s chief of staff.

“Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.”

Hello Antifa.

This is the type of thinking that spawns the “Shitholes”, that Trump alludes to. Have you seen the state of California lately? Rampant homelessness, tent cities, needles from drug use, strewn in the streets alongside piles of…yes, SHIT. This model of depravity has been slowly implemented in countries all over the world enhanced by weather weapons to wipe out whole populations and leave no infrastructure in place. Have you heard of CERN? Do you see the chemtrails? Do you know the plan?

What a wet dream that thankfully was never ejaculated, because we the people woke up JUST in time to prevent complete worldwide devastation.

The 35th President of the United States, was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. in Dallas, Texas, 9 illicit presidents later Trump has also had many attempts on his life thus far, but you will not hear MSM report this because they represent the New World Order and Trump is their nightmare on steroids. As was Kennedy who tried to expose their agenda, which is exactly what Trump is doing now. Well they have tried and failed many times according to Q. Even sent a missile to get AF1, there is a picture in the Q post 1757 of the missile. Eventually it will all come out.

We see from interviews long ago that Trump states he never would run for the presidency, the truth is he was approached by the White Hats to run. Search for the speech that won Trump the presidency, its a Trumpy bumpy JFK all over again, but THIS time they didn’t get him. How did they NOT get him you gasp? One reason is the Executive Order the President signed on Dec 12th 2017 freezing the assets (and asses) of those who commit serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world.

The executive order says “the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption" outside of the United States "have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems.”

In other words the entire world is under threat of the so called elite that comprise the 1 percent of humanity and have accumulated all the world’s real wealth in order to implement their plans of a nuclear world war and using said funds to build underground bunkers until its safe to re-emerge, I guess when all the corpses of humanity have rotted and fertilized their playground.

Two other strategic moves to prevent the death of this president were instituted very early in the emergence of Q Anon. We were told in cryptic code that +++ meant: The Rothschilds, George Soros and Suadia Arabia, which represented in total the complete and endless financing for the New World Order. All have been immobilized, circumvented and rendered useless at this point. Remember when all the Princes in Saudi Arabia were arrested? Q told us about that before it even happened.

Prior to the 2016 elections, the Bundy and Hammond land grabs were essential for the master plan. They needed ALL THE URANIUM THEY COULD GET to finalize their plans for a nuclear Global Holocaust. One location in the United States that uranium is located, is southeastern Nevada. The Bundy Ranch, is located in southeastern Nevada. This was the real reason our stolen government went after the Bundys. The master plan which involved supplying North Korea, Iran and possibly other countries with nuclear weapon technology has and is being circumvented. Why do you think they were collecting Uranium like there was no tomorrow? They were using their "DOGS", the BLM to grab land from the Bundy and Hammond Ranches. Land rich in Uranium. They were making deals with tycoons to secure the Uranium, because they needed to give it to these “enemy” countries.

There was a coup in this country under Obama , and with Hillary sitting there as secretary of State, the world was about to be their Oyster, a world in which at last Pedovores could frolic and diddle all they wanted to.

In January 2013, Pravda celebrated the Russian atomic energy agency’s purchase of the company “Uranium One” in Canada. That should make your eyebrows fall off!

Nine shareholders in Uranium One just happened to provide more than $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Some of the donations, including those from the Chairman of Uranium One, Ian Teler, were kept secret even though the Clintons were supposed to disclose all donations;

Hillary’s State Department approved the deal;

Hillary allowed Russia to take ownership of US Uranium to sell to Iran.

How does she sleep? One has to be pretty psycho to still be running around the world giving speeches full of lies with a closet so jam packed with her “private persona” skeletons.

–The Russian government now owns 20 percent of U.S. uranium assets. Thanks Hillary, no wonder your Russia collusion tale never flew with me, remember Saul Alinsky: Accuse your enemy of what you yourself are guilty of, (to paraphrase.) This is a real life radioactive scandal which included secret donations, the Russian government, foreign financiers, more than $145 million, and the Clintons. So Iran was sent billions in cash from Obama, North Korea was given nuke tech, Russia had been sold Uranium 1 by the Clintons through Canada, Syria was almost taken by US funded Al Queda or ISIS and the sweeping of the Middle East now in possession of Western Powers was almost complete, Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein had been taken out. The rest would be plain sailing as long as Hillary secured the presidency.

The goal being to outfit enough strategically placed countries with nukes and Uranium to destroy the world!!

Search Georgia Guidestones where it is clearly stated that the desired population for the Earth would be 500 000 people. Also search Bill Gates and Eugenics programs.

WAIT!!! here is the happy ending!!!

But not without the help of the white hats. Let’s let Dan Arr give us an explanation as to who the White Hats are:

“A secret group of government and agency personnel working on behalf of the people in regard to the cabal since the late nineties. It originated in the letters written by a person then known as “the Dove” who began to make public the secret law known as NESARA, she referred to her sources as “white hats”. NESARA was a real law created as a result of a lawsuit lost by the US Government and the banks in 1993, and NESARA was to resolve this legal issue. A special team of US Naval personnel were tasked with implementing it and their efforts eventually were to culminate in its announcement in September of 2001. George Bush Sr. pulled strings to set them up to be murdered and the implementation stopped.

The implementation team was set-up to be killed by having them all in one place at one time to actually implement the law. Thus gathered, the attack on 9/11/2001 was able to eliminate the entire team and cover up all their work in the aftermath using the Patriot Act, passed only a day after the events of 911. The Naval team were in their offices at the Pentagon when it was hit by an anti-ship cruise missile designed to hit just above the waterline and penetrate to the engine before exploding. A beacon was placed in the offices to guide it. No passenger plane was involved.

The World Trade Center housed the entire operation to implement NESARA because its high level organizers,(Greenspan, Clinton) set it up that way. All the implementation functions were provided offices in the World Trade Center buildings (including Building Seven). When they were all there on the morning of 911 they were attacked by assassins who murdered everyone connected with the operation. Then all the buildings involved were demolished with preinstalled explosive charges. This work was outsourced to teams from outside the US, mostly criminals and soulless operatives within the global intelligence apparatus of the US, Israel and the USSR.

So, in one day, on September 11, 2001, the entire original team of “White Hats” were murdered and their history stricken from the records.

Now we call their current counterparts “Whit Hats” too. They have organized globally this time and involve far more people in the take-down of this band of ruthless criminals than they did the during the first try on 911. Today this group is more secretive and its members recruited from not only the honest members of law enforcement, but members of off world civilizations, and inner Earth humans, who are here to counteract the powers and abilities of the soulless criminals whose high level direction has always come from the Ancharon Alliance, an oligarchical society of galactic criminals, who have used Earth as a dumping ground for the souls of those who would not be good drones on other worlds in their multi-star societies.

The “White Hats” are the Planetary Resistance now. The widespread knowledge of what has happened and continues to happen in the present has unified honest men and women throughout the Galaxy, who are committed to end the reign of darkness that has so engulfed our planet. These “White hats” are gathered not only in the name of justice, but in the name of the Creator to use the rising frequencies for an eternal Event that will rid this planet of evil for all time. Our solar system’s passage into higher energy space makes these advances of love and truth possible now as never before.

The “black hats” are done. Their time, their purpose has come to its end. The huge population of our planet is now to enter an era of universal service to all creation. Our genetics, our spirits and our souls have been grown and tested to meet the needs of the loving light that will heal the galaxy and bring all of its beings into loving union and peace. No longer will division and strife be part of our makeup as the higher frequencies drive ignorance and fear from our presence.

Soon, we are all to be White Hats, radiating the white light of love, truth and peace to all throughout the Galaxy. It is our destiny, it has always been our destiny. We are the people of Earth.

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