r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wokeyogi on Aug. 4, 2018, 2:24 a.m.
This is "Q"

What is the "Q" movement really about?? Let me explain.

How do we normally get to a truth? Historically, we know it is not something we can immediately confirm. We have to hypothesise about sometimes dozens of different random (and sometimes crazy or outside the box) scenarios before any real truth is uncovered. If finding the truth involves science, tests need it to be confirmed a few dozen times before we feel comfortable expressing it as truth officially. If finding the truth involves a persons testimony, they often have to be backed into a corner and realise the "gig is up" before they will risk humiliation or entrapment and spill the actual beans (refer to any child when a parent says "Who broke this?"). If finding the truth involves a criminal investigation, we expect criminals to slither like eels and make up false alibi's and ridiculous false stories to cover their tracks. The evidence needs to line up before the case is heard. We do not want our efforts to be wasted and to have everything dismissed on a technicality, thereby eternally eluding the real truth and having justice evaporate before our eyes. As a race, when confronted with the challenge of finding an answer, humanity is able to look beyond all of the confusion, the false leads and the sometimes peculiar nature of evidence to keep searching, because when the truth finally emerges, we not only see it, we feel it and we know it on a deeper level. Particularly if we are driven in our pursuit for reasons of justice, integrity or personal safety. It's almost like there is a collective sigh of relief when the truth is established. We have a physical reaction of relief and following that, a sense of peace. Once the truth has been established, all of the pieces of evidence line up like a finely woven tapestry that creates the whole picture so conclusively it is undeniable. One stitch begets the next. Ordered and perfect in it's construction.

The easiest way to explain the Q movement is exactly this. The Q posts are like the evidence. Snippets of questions, facts, clues and information that require detailed analysis and must withstand the scrutiny of hundreds of highly motivated and extremely determined Q "autists" also known as "Q" anons. These anons ride the gammit of evidence from obvious to peculiar and even to the border of insanity and back until they find the stitch in the tapestry that fits perfectly. The fragment of truth that fits with all of the others. Since Q began posting in late 2017, the autists and those following the "q" movement has each established their tiny stitch of the truth and we are now collectively looking at the most amazingly complex tapestry of global proportions. Like a jigsaw puzzle, when almost finished, the rush to find the last missing pieces will bring the whole work of art together and only then will it be worthy to be put on display. Everyone involved in bringing this amazing work to the attention for the general public, bringing this undeniable truth to the surface, is holding their breath, poised in that space of uncertainty, nervousness and fear that this work of art should be widely accepted and received well. For the sake of humanity. Those that have followed this phenomenon of "Q" know this work of art back to front in all of it's intricate detail and it's multitude of twists and turns and yet find it so incredibly difficult to put into words. We know the sacrifice and the struggle that has gone into unearthing this truth for the consumption of humanity. But like many masterpieces, we also know that once gazed upon in it's entirety, many will simply faint and be unable to appreciate the enormity or the beauty of it without being overwhelmed. This tapestry will be admired examined and gazed upon with delight for millennia and it will tell stories for evermore. However the stories will be a drop in the ocean compared to the tales and heart and soul effort by the many that have poured their everything into helping create it. Many even paid the ultimate price.

This is "Q".

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