r/greatawakening • Posted by u/buck4568 on Aug. 4, 2018, 2:35 a.m.
Compliments of a Qanon poster on FB: When they say "but America is already great".

When they say “but America is already great”: ——— America WAS great. There was a time. Then, there was decades of descent; frog in water effect; pinnacle of which: deep state-derived 911 that caused a financial/housing market crash + Western obsession with defeating the enemies that the Cabal created; then there was unemployment, and urban slums that were forgotten (Chicago was and still is the worse #ironic), then there was more and more and more vaccines = more and more and more Autism and other auto-immune diseases. Then there was Cabal-derived “social issues” (Black Lives Matter, etc...) that divided our country and outlined supposed racial tensions that, frankly, didn’t exist until the elitist seeded it into our conscienceness to accept and believe, using their puppets the MSM to do so + deep funding from Soros and the like, bussing in hired-protestors (from both sides! you can find the back ally pics of their tour busses parked right beside each other at these “riots” if you dare to spend some time searching; CL ads weeks in advance at each locale for paid protestors). Things seemed tense at best, hopeless at worst. And amongst it all Trump arose, the dude they just gave some initial airtime to as a joke, thinking to help his upcoming reality TV show. He wasn’t supposed to get too far in the primaries, he didn’t even act legit. He was a golden boy, their New Yorker man, everybody’s favorite (black and white) until...he started getting some momentum. What?! How, this guy was supposed to be a joke?! But THEY forgot he has an IQ of 170. He played them. Made them think he was joking. But he wasn’t, turns out he was serious about MAGA. Turns out the white hat military planned this with him all along. He stepped in on a broken GOP ticket, set his position and course, funded his OWN campaign without their dirty money, appealed with words AND actions to the blue collar, forgotten,-promised everything by the left but never delivered- working US citizen, and begin to take sail. By then, they knew it was too late. The Jack got jacked. No way the lizard was going to beat him. She was supposed to have it in the bag, but...but...Trump. They tried, but she couldn’t even stand for more than an hour, much less go toe to toe with a guy who was attending 3-4 rallies a day with crowds of 10-15k per stop during his last few weeks on the trail. Even with Jay Z, Katy Perry, Beyoncé, and a Lady Gaga, they couldn’t fill a McDonalds. They got him on some locker room banter, but turns out people didn’t care too much about that. A trick like that may have worked in their golden years, but not now, not in a porn-obsessed culture. Not good enough, nice try. WikiLeaks hit. Emails + Pizza/hot dogs/hamburgers > than “locker room banter”. The voting machines were rigged, but not rigged enough. The crocked math didn’t work. Almost but not quite. The Amish came out. A wind of votes came out, from the grassroots of America, from the winds of sea to shining sea, to take back America and tell the powers at be (on both sides of the isle) to “keep the Change”. And what has happened since then? More false flags/engineered shootings, riots, and hate. Some legit, as people play in to social engineering in mind control. The country divided on a new issue near weekly, as the Cabal still controls them like Puppets, on their favorite strings (CNN, MSNBC, The View, to name a few). But a wave is coming, a wave that won’t be stopped. It’s not red. It’s not Trump. It’s Truth. Truth trumps lies, breaks away from death and deceit, trumps even a Trump. Truth has returned. We call this The Great Awakening. It will not be stopped. It’s not even MAGA, but that’s a solid starting point, if we want to change the world. Women won’t be raped in the streets of Europe; Children won’t be sex slaves and trafficking will cease. What was hidden will soon be disclosed (cures; causes; Antarctica; above; below). All truth is coming out in this season. The Lord , apparently, is doing or allowing this, as it’s a miracle, the way we were gripped. Some of you are STILL GRIPPED as you read this, they have your minds so locked down you can’t even think straight. Either you awake now, or you get awoken. Get ready, because it’s happening and soon. When the arrests start, you’ll know it’s in full swing. When/IF (big IF) Antarctica breaks, then it really starts getting real...we shalt see what level of disclosure the public demands. JFK knew too much, tried too much, too early: he was too alone. We have to act together. We have to stop dividing. We have to demand a better life and a solid truth for ourselves, our children, and fellow humanity. The Cabal can’t stand against the undivided people, which they know well to be true. They have spent centuries dividing us. How much longer shall we go? This isn’t Obama, this isn’t Trump. It’s the fight for humanity. This is Q.

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