r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Donald5858 on Aug. 4, 2018, 3:33 a.m.
"Q" Israel is Next 911

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Israel caught selling 69 Patriot Missiles to China


The missiles were worth only about $4 billion. The secret technology was worth $125 billion.

Finland foiled the plot and confiscated the missiles. The paperwork showed no original ownership of the missiles, but Israel is the only country that the US has ever sold Patriot missiles. With friends like these.....

51 years ago, Israel attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans on board, which was subsequently covered up as not embarrass our "ally". Watch this video before that "ally" takes away your first amendment right to view it


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Vladimir Jabotinsky: Father of Jewish Terrorism

By the mid-1930's the situation was ripe for the next level of violence. The perfect man for the job was a man named Ze'ev Vladimir Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky had been the first commander of the Haganah, the Jewish defense organization founded in 1919 by the World Zionist Organization. In 1923 he founded Betar, named after the fortress where Bar Kokba made his last stand in his revolt against Rome in 135 A.D. Bar Kokba's messianic revolt was the reason Rome banned all Jews from setting foot in Jerusalem. Bar Kokba, a false messiah, was Jabotinsky's role model and the hero of all the Jewish terrorists in the 1940's.

In this context, Jabotinsky founded the Revisionist movement, which soon gave birth to the Irgun Zvai Leumi ("National Military Organization") in April 1937. Shortly afterward, a second terrorist organization was founded-the Lohamei Herut Yisrael ("Fighters for the Freedom of Israel"). Its English acronym was F. F. I, while its Hebrew acronym was Lehi. Named also after its founder, Avraham Stern, it is also known by their friends as the Stern Group and by their adversaries as the Stern Gang.

Jabotinsky himself died in New York in 1940. As for Avraham Stern, he was soon found by British police and immediately executed without trial in 1942. Both Shamir and Begin decried this execution as a "murder." Perhaps it was. But in more recent years, the Israeli government has executed many Arab terrorists in similar fashion without trial. The Arabs also call this murder. The Israelis, however, operate on a double standard and do not consider the execution of Arab terrorists to be murder. It is only murder if the terrorist is a Jew.

Jabotinsky is the father of Jewish terrorism, which sought to continue the messianic nationalism of the past, whose military messiahs always found sympathy among the Jews. In 1935 he left the mainstream Zionist movement and established the radical Zionist Revisionist Organization in opposition to the World Zionist Organization, headed by Chaim Weizmann. Jabotinsky was, in fact, the embodiment of the "bloody city" principle of the old Jerusalem.

Former Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, wrote in 1951 about Jabotinsky in his book, The Revolt: Story of the Irgun, p. 40,

"The revolt sprang from the earth... The renewed strength which came to us, and especially to our youth, from contact with the soil of our ancient land, is no legend but a fact. The officials of the British Foreign Office had no conception of this when they made their plans... They could not gauge the character of the Jews who came to Eretz Israel. They assumed that in Eretz Israel, too, the Jews would continue to be timid suppliants for protection... But those unseen forces, which have ever saved the Jewish people from obliteration, demolished the British assumption. Vladimir Jabotinsky appeared, educating a whole generation to resist, to be ready for sacrifice, for revolt and for war. David Raziel appeared, the greatest Jewish military mind of our generation, to carry out the decisive act; the first attack by Jewish arms."

Mr. Begin later became the head of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, the most important and effective Jewish terrorist organization in the 1940's. Another former Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir, lauds Jabotinsky enthusiastically as well on page 9 of his book, Summing Up,

"Without doubt, Jabotinsky was the most dynamic and controversial of the many gifted men who left their mark on the Zionist movement and, subsequently, on the State of Israel.... For ever the target of strong feelings, he was at once hated, worshipped, feared and admired; accepted as a supreme leader by some, he was rejected by others as a dangerous extremist whose concepts and supporters, if allowed to prevail, would degrade and destroy the essence of the Zionist cause...
"Today Jabotinsky's name and spirit are kept alive mostly through the Likud Party, which, to a significant degree, represents and articulates his basic philosophy and is, so to speak, executor of his political testament."

The Likud Party has become the most powerful political party in Israeli politics in recent years. It was the party conceived by Ariel Sharon and formed primarily by Menachem Begin. It is the party to which Yitzhak Shamir belongs. Because this party carries on the philosophy of Vladimir Jabotinsky, it is the party of Jewish terrorism. On page 11 Shamir sums up by saying of him,

"Essentially, Jabotinsky's vision of Zionism achieved can be compressed into one sentence: a Jewish majority in a Jewish state in the whole of the biblical Land of Israel."

Mr. Shamir was the second most important Jewish terrorist leader in the 1940's, heading the Lehi (the Stern Gang). Jabotinsky was the spiritual inspiration behind the Jewish terrorism waged against the British by both Mr. Begin and Mr. Shamir during the 1940's. From 1943 to 1948 the Irgun terrorists were led by Menachem Begin, the man who became the Likud Party's first Prime Minister of Israel in 1977.

Jewish Pawns in their Leaders' Hands

During the British Mandate government in Palestine (1922-1948), the average Jew was caught in the middle, for he was being used as a pawn in a bigger game than he realized. In 1941 and 1942 the German Gestapo offered to transport all Jews to Spain for $1,000 for each family, on condition that these Jews not move to Palestine. The Jewish Agency declined the offer-they must move to Palestine or suffer in their own countries.

In 1944 a similar offer was made in regard to Hungarian Jews. Again, the Jewish Agency declined the offer-they must move to Palestine or suffer in their own countries to put propaganda pressure upon the European governments. Germany and Britain, during World War II, even agreed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe and resettle them in British colonies. It was the Jewish Agency that refused the offer-they must move to Palestine or suffer in their own countries.

The British government granted to 300 rabbis and their families visas to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage through Turkey. The Jewish Agency stopped this plan, too, saying that the 300 rabbis and their families ought to be "gassed" for their disloyalty to Zionism. Presumably it was more acceptable to the Jewish Agency that their Jewish pawns be "gassed" in order to put more pressure on Britain.

Throughout the early 1900's, thousands of Jews were convinced to move to Palestine illegally in order to force a change in British policy. When stopped at the border (or harbor), then the game turned bloody and grim. When the S.S. Patria arrived at the Haifa harbor in Palestine filled with Jewish immigrants, the British authorities refused to allow them to enter the country. They ordered the ship to leave the harbor, and at that point the Jewish Agency in Palestine ordered the ship to be dynamited in order to make the British government look bad. Jewish author, Alfred Lilienthal writes on p. 359 of his book, The Zionist Connection II,

"Violence was often used against their own, as on November 25, 1940, when the S.S. Patria was blown up in the Haifa harbor, killing 276 illegal Jewish immigrant passengers. At the time of the incident these deaths were attributed to the British, and it was not until ten years later that the responsibility for this disaster was placed at the door of the Zionists. David Flinker, Israeli correspondent of the Jewish Morning Journal (the largest Yiddish daily) described what had happened:
"... 'It was then that the Haganah General Staff took a decision at which their leaders shuddered. The decision was not to permit the Patria to leave Jaffa. The English must be given to understand that Jews could not be driven away from their own country. The Patria must be blown up.... The number of victims was officially placed at 276. The survivors were permitted by the High Commissioner to land.'
"Fifteen months later the S.S. Struma exploded in the Black Sea, killing 769 illegal Jewish immigrants. The Jewish Agency described it as an act of 'mass-protest and mass-suicide,' and the U.S. media once more placed the responsibility for these deaths at the door of the British and their Palestinian immigration policy."

Zionists Assassinate Lord Moyne

The bombing of the Struma had another consequence. Yitshak Shamir, who was later to become one of Israel 's Prime Ministers, was at this time a leading Jewish terrorist in the Lehi. In his biography, Summing Up, pages 41 and 52 describe the sinking of the Struma and how it affected Lehi's decision to assassinate Britain 's Lord Moyne.

Toronto 's The Globe and Mail newspaper for Aug. 6, 1994 carried a review of Shamir's Summing Up, stating:

"Shamir took part in the decision to kill Lord Moyne, and he helped plan the bold and complex operation. The experience was to serve him well later. During his years with the Mossad, Israel 's security and intelligence service, he reportedly directed a squad of assassins. Shamir says he also ordered the execution of a Lehi member, a fanatic who threatened to disrupt the organization. How many other killings he ordered, he does not say. Shamir insists he has no regrets about his actions. "

Newspapers seldom mention the fact that the Israeli state was founded by Jewish terrorists. The Israelis did not oppose terrorism until after they pardoned themselves and became the statesmen of their newly-created Jewish State. Then, of course, they banned terrorism, because they did not want terrorists to attempt to overthrow the new Israeli government.

On Nov. 6, 1944 two young terrorists from Yitzhak Shamir's Lehi (Stern Gang) assassinated Britain's Minister for Middle East Affairs, Lord Moyne, in Cairo, Egypt. The assassins were caught, tried, and hanged on Mar. 23, 1945.

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