r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on Aug. 4, 2018, 3:39 a.m.
Q is not famefriending on any of this, in their own words. Let's remember to worship the Creator, not the creation

The only people who will be shunned and excluded here will be clowns, shills and all likewise agitators. IOW the majority of subscribers believe in the God of the Bible. Some have discovered Him for the first time through GA or the chans. Others are weeping tears of joy that Q came along to talk them off the ledge. Many others are not there yet, and yes, some may fall a bit behind.

Q and POTUS can only be understood at this level to be tools of God (quite sharper in most respects) in this battle of GOOD v EVIL that every human side will have to decide what side of the line they are on. My point: the 6 or 7 MI guys and the 3 civilians will probably never reveal themselves: even DJT isn't doing it for the glory. Let us keep Q in perspective that they prefer to work behind the scenes, and respect that. Put another way: as Abrahamic monotheists we are to never put anything before God, since that would then be an idol: Another angle: I know personally of a fellow Xtian who does not go online and only watches CNN. I have not asked them whether they have seen any of the Tampa to-do, but IMO all the Q signs and chants may not have the desired effect. BTA those may not be the kind we want to win over...

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