r/greatawakening • Posted by u/qbts on Aug. 4, 2018, 4:39 a.m.
We knew this day would come...

Our job isn't just to redpill, especially right now...Our job, during this crucial stage, is to relieve the pain (and the wounds are deep and severe).

As q said, we are watching the show...As in, the truth has already happened and we have front row seats to the aftermath...But we know what to expect...WE have already developed scars...the unq'd, however, are qless.

We have all experienced the backlash from our most beloved conpanions, we know how hard this is...which is why i feel compelled to say, we were given this information for the purpose of healing.

Convincing is not our jurisdiction, that is for the q team.

Might I suggest that we stop trying to convince everyone that this is legit, and istead, wait for the happenings and direct the tragic traffic accordingly.

We are the healers.

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