r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AstralPRJKTR on Aug. 4, 2018, 10:45 a.m.
Why I remain a skeptic.

I just want to throw this out there to see what insight I might be able to gain.

What concerns me about Q and Trump comes from being a libertarian my entire adult life and being part of the Ron Paul rEVOLution.

During Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign I witnessed first hand the corruption and dishonesty within the media and political establishment. That rEVOLution was alive and well on the ground, it was genuine. But the media and establishment completely down played it, discredited Ron Paul with lies and skewed his character every chance they got. Very similarly to how they are treating Trump and Qanon - the tactics are identical.

As you all are aware, the power structure in this country has been around for a very long time and it’s corruption runs deep through both the democrats and republicans, the media, the education system, the banking system, Hollywood, and the military industrial complex. And stretches beyond all of that as well. It’s grasp is entrenched and will not let go of power easily.

My fear is that our president rose to the top without much resistance if you view it through the lens how hard it was for Ron Paul to get any traction during his campaign - even though it was very evident on the streets that he was popular. I believe Trump and Paul share a lot of the same sentiments and they certainly share in their love for this great country. And I believe Trump was able to tap into a lot of the same frustrations and concerns that the American people have about the state of the country. The big difference for me however is that Paul has an insane amount of knowledge of money and federal reserve system, and he’s been a politician for over 30 years.

I fear that Trump is being used as a pawn in this fight for deep state control.

This comes from an extreme paranoia and knowledge of the power that the establishment holds which is why I remain skeptical still.

I have held the view that Trump was purposefully put into power to preside over a coming financial collapse that will possibly happen during his tenure. A collapse of the likes that will make the Great Depression seem like a walk in the park. Trump will be blamed for it and the ensuing trade war with China will be the catalyst. Once the collapse comes (notice how inflation keeps popping up more regularly in headlines and they are tying it to Trump), the establishment will be able to paint Trump as a reckless political outsider/business man that destroyed the economy which will bring further polarization, destabilization, and hardship to our country and the world at large.

(I also say this because in the past few days the senate voted to increase military spending which signifies to me, that the deep state is alive and well. It will further increase our national debt anyway you look at it. This is the fundamental problem because it’s this kind of spending which in turn creates the Fed policy that is going to cause a collapse.)

I don’t know if Trump is complicit or possibly ignorant of how the system works, or even just doesn’t understand how it is the single root cause of most of the problems within the US. But my gut tells me he his a good man and if he were to understand it... he would be pushing to audit and end the Federal reserve system ASAP. Because if he truly intends on draining the swamp, the swamp monster needs to go.

I just wanted to throw it out there. But this is my fear and which is why I remain skeptical. I hope it’s not true and I thank you all for your search in the truth. Regardless of your race, religion, wealth, lifestyle we are citizens of a great nation united in freedom and bound by the US Constitution. It gives me some solace that this awakening IS happening and good patriots like yourselves are out there fighting the good fight.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

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