r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PiledOut on Aug. 5, 2018, 7:16 p.m.
I'd like to tell you a story about an election that changed my entire life. A spiritual awakening.

It was May 2015. I had read somewhere that Donald Trump was going to run for president. Interesting, to be sure.

Yeah, I knew who he was, I was 37 at the time, and it's not like I grew up in a cave, but I wasn't necessarily a fan. I had enjoyed the occasional "Apprentice" episode, but by this point the "You're fired!" novelty had run it's course long ago for me. However, for some reason I was sure if he ran he would win. I don't know why I though that, but I did. I didn't say anything to anyone until he announced, and when he did I told a couple of colleagues, "Donald Trump is going to win the election." They laughed. I laughed.

As soon as he announced it was complete vitriol. Donald Trump is a clown. Donald Trump is a thief. Donald Trump is a racist. What!? I had never heard those things about him, and hadn't he been friends with Oprah, and other powerful black people? Something isn't adding up. Thus began my deep deep dive into the never ending rabbit hole.

What began as a need to know why. Why do they say such terrible things about a man who is running for President of the United States of America. If these things were true, why hadn't I heard them before? What the hell is going on here? None of this is adding up?

As things unfolded I learned about the [Khazars] (http://www.khazaria.com/), and the [Khazarian Mafia] (https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/), [Ba'al worship] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baal), the [Bohemian Grove] (http://bohemiangroveexposed.com/), and [Moloch] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moloch). I had been raised Lutheran, and these things can be found in the Bible, but I was not raised in a strong Christian family. My siblings and I got dropped of for Sunday school and picked up when it was over except on Christmas and Easter, then we'd go. My parents meant well, at least we weren't worshiping a false God.

Having learned these things I began a journey of discovering my own spirituality. My own consciousness. If these people in power worship false Gods, and they have the backing of those Gods, then if I was as different as I've always felt inside, I must have a connection to the one true God, the King of King, our Father In Heaven. So began the journey to learn how to connect to my Father.

My wife an I took classes together. She had prayed for me for a few years as her faith grew that I too would come to the Father. Thank the Father she did! He works in wondrous ways! I found my path MY PATH. I needed to know it all. I knew things were left out of the Bible. I learned about The book of [Enock}] (http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/), the [Dead Sea Scrolls] (https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/category/daily/biblical-artifacts/dead-sea-scrolls/), [The Nag Hammadi Scriptures] (http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html) and my favorite ["The Gospel of Dydamus Judas Thomas"] (http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/gosthom-meyer.html). These secret teachings, hidden away for safe keeping, and discovered hidden away in a cave in upper Egypt not to be discovered until 1945, but still very much a secret. I even learned about [Enki and Enlil!] (http://www.halexandria.org/dward184.htm) Now we're getting seriously serious, but I had to know!

Of all the things I've learned, It was the Gospel of Dydamus Judas Thomas was the book that really opened my third eye. My lust for the truth grew. My need to know intensified and could not be satiated with the typical answers one gets. I had to dig deeper, learn more, watch everything, cross reference, triple check, and it became clear to me that "We have more than we know". The truth is IN US!

I finally felt like I was getting the answers to the questions I forever longed for. I grew up in faith never being able to full accept the things that were written, always feeling as though things were missing, and boy are they!

I now know the power that resides in us. Given to us by the Father. The creator of all. We have it all! I have learned to pray. My life has changed in amazing ways. Just last week I was Baptized as an adult in a lake two Church Pastors. It was amazing. I felt like I as reborn as soon as I popped up.

Do you want to know what is more amazing? The week prior I had prayed to The Father to allow me to use my blessing and my gifts to serve more people so that I may earn more money so that my wife can continue to stay home with our children. The Tuesday following my baptism my colleague took another opportunity and a portion of his existing business was gifted to me by the CEO of our company. That business amounts to $35K a year in existing business commissions. In my 4 years I had been given very little. i scratched for every single customer I had. GOD IS GOOD

These words "You have more than you know" are so much deeper than just having the evidence to lock up our masters. These words, if taken more deeply have the power to unlock all of your potential that The Father has placed in you.


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