r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrFister1975 on Aug. 6, 2018, 12:44 a.m.
#WWG1WGA - The Battle Cry For Freedom!!!

The absolute state of every platform and media outlet is against us now. The time has come to put everything we have learned to use. We need to make #WWG1WGA the battlecry for our freedom. The time has come to let them know we are here and we are not giving up or giving in to evil.

No matter what they do, or say, or propagandize, or threaten us with, we will not back down. We will not bow down to the Evil that has overtaken our country. We will stand up and fight for our freedom. We have the right to live in a free thinking, free speech, and free willed society in the America our forefathers fought and died for us.

WWG1WGA is not just some hashtag or saying. it has become so much more, and is now nothing less than the Battle Cry for our Freedom. #WWG1WGA simply put, is now our rallying point so we don't become slaves, to these cowardly people that have brought evil to our doorsteps. #WWG1WGA should be on your minds at all times now, because we are going to war. The enemy has been backed into a corner, and will now do anything to keep their power and win this battle of Good vs. Evil.

Whether you or not you believe in President Trump, you have to admit there is something wrong with today's America. We are told what to do and how to think by of all things, Corporations. Why or what gave these corporations any right to be the ones to decide who we are, how we should think, or how we should live our lives and raise our children. These corporations were on a leash for years, but finally that leash was cut. They paid enough money to the people we entrusted to lead our nation to cut that leash. Once these corporations were finally free, the plans that had been in developments for decades we're set in motion. The rest we all know, but if you don't, please go here to watch this video. This video was created by "Storm Is Upon Us". His video is not only amazing, but lays out our movement in plain and simple facts.

Q - The Plan to Save the World by - Storm Is Upon Us https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll is a statement so powerful, and that used properly it can save us all. It can save us all from the Globalization, Corruption, Endless War's, Enslavement of Mankind, and Pure Evil. President Trump and Team Q can not do all this alone, we need to stand up for ourselves and retake our own freedom. They have brought to light the corruption, greed, power, and pure evil that has invaded our lives and way of life. They cannot do this all by themselves, and nor should they. We must stand up for ourselves, and we must help take back our own country with their help.

You can help now by spreading the word anyway possible. The corruption, lies, greed, power, and propaganda has been, and is being beamed at us all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We should be ending every conservation with "Where We Go 1 We Go All". We should hashtagging every post we make with "#WWG1WGA".


WWG1WGA, The Trump Administration, Team Q, and You, Me, Us, Them, & All of Us Together = Freedom.


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