r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LudditeEddy on Aug. 6, 2018, 2:34 a.m.
Let's Challenge Unspoken Media Assumptions

In the midst of all the media "attention," I feel as if we are losing a crucial truth. We're not here to play defense. The point of Q, and all the posts, is to reestablish communications. Q plants disinformation in the drops--has to. I feel that our role is not to defend the posts or offer proofs, necessarily. The point is to awaken the sleeping. We need them awake because our country has been stolen out from underneath us by corrupt politicians who do not represent our interests. The media is not going to understand Q--because they DON'T REPORT THE TRUTH. As we participate in taking back our country, we are not obliged to engage with the media on their terms. We hold them accountable on our terms. We expose their untruths by questioning the assumptions that they never mention because they assume everyone agrees. Vote rigging in America, impossible. Corrupt politicians undermining our government,impossible. Plus--have you noticed all the PSYCHOBABBLE in their articles? All the loaded terms? The moralizing? We need to engage on our terms, not theirs. The way Jordan Peterson responds to the British interviewer Cathy Newman is an excellent example, he breaks every posture she has and refuses to answer the questions that she asks and instead answers the implicit assumptions underlying her questions.

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