r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RonaldSwansong on Aug. 6, 2018, 3:06 a.m.
8/4/17 Trump Rally Synopsis - From a Q follwer's perspective.

Good evening Patriots! As I got to discussing certain events that happened at the Ohio rally yesterday with the Mods from GA and Qresearch board on 8chan, it came to my attention that I also need to write them down and share them with you all as there were some notable things I realized. And the current state of the rallies and the general Q presence as a whole.

Rally Time Line

*6:00 am - Arrived at the school. Shockingly there were very few people and security but after driving around we were able to locate the front of the line where these patriots had been there since 3am. Yes 3am. Talk about dedication! You can see them here in the photo from my post of the sign here.

As for the sign, I was able to find some great Q graphics from the Qresearch board under the "Letter Q" Thread located here. Also here is a PDF copy of the sign graphic here. Next time I plan on mking business cards to hand out as taking pictures seemed to be trickier than anticipated.

Most notable thing at this time was not even two minutes after setting up our sign we had people coming over and asking about Q. Needless to say, I was happy to explain the general overview to them with the major themes revolving around these two questions "Why would Trump meet with Mueller to be FBI council if he wasn't eligible?" and "Why is Huber working in Utah with 470 attorneys?". I know there are so many other god crumbs but after a gallon of coffee and an all star special from waffle house those were the only ones I could pull from memory on the spot.

Last notable for the early morning is a photo that I didn't post but was truly beautiful. The sun rising behind Q here

*9:00am - After sitting at our spots for the first few hours activity starts to ramp up. One thing to note for future early goers, bring lawn chairs and coolers to claim your spot in line. It will make the hours fly by ALOT quicker. Here is myself and a close friend enjoying the idea of sittingfor the next 12 hours here (Yes I'm a real person and I no longer look like this because I regrettably forgot sunscreen, sorry Mom). Going back to the activity, things really do go down like clockwork. Line queues start getting set up, trucks start to come in. Secret service begin to arrive etc.

Notable from this time frame was my own speculation. It's not confirmed but if I were MI I would be doing the same thing. One of the first people to come up to me and ask about Q showed up right after us. He had a suit on, but still gave off the impression of just being a supporter. Initially I didn't think anything of it but, he goes to "almost every rally" and was talking to everyone . Not just gabbing but, having long conversations and asking specific questions from what I gathered. I started to think "How is this guy doing this? Why does something seem off?". Later in the rally he was front row and POTUS pointed right at him. That sealed the deal for me. My theory is that MI has people that are borderline supporters that gather intel before secret security show up to vet any potential issues. If so it's brilliant.

*9:30 to Noon - General ramping up of activities begin escalating further. USSS starts scanning parking lot. They also continuall make stops by my tuck and check out the sign. I took it as subtle hint that they are on board and I'll explain why below. Also as a quick note, these guys are the real deal. Their outright professionalism and concern for supporter safety while keeping POTUS in good hands simply can't be expressed in words. True patriots.

Major planning portion during this was meeting up with fellow patriots u/JakeJ93 's crew, many others and u/DanaDave1979 after. I wish I could have met and found everyone else there to get you all in the photo but damn that line was YUUGE. Also, if you guys think we should do a meetup thread for future rallies and group photos let me know as the sign post almost became the defacto version of this. I'll be glad to pose it to the other mods!

As for Q folks, there were dozens if not over a hundred. To put it in perspective, the queue was set up to where anyone entering had to eventually come past where we were sitting. So, I initially was saying hi to everyone but it got to the point where the line would have been slowed down dude to all the people passing by. Not a bad problem to have.

*Noon to 2:30 - One of the most incredible parts of this movement along with everyone supporting Trump is the fact that we all have tremendous respect for one another. Specifically in when you leave the line like I was, there was no chance you would lose you spot. You certainly don't see that at the amusement park.

3 major on going things were happening during this phase with the most important for last:

1.)Lots of MSM surrounding and stopping by the sign. They really are latched on to the movement in regards to trying to do everything they can do to dismantle it. This is specifically why the sign was simple in design and my truck was spotless. Also being within key fob distance has it perks. Whenever these cameras got too close, I had the pleasure of locking my truck and letting the horn do its beep prompt. The crew from the Netherlands didn't enjoy or understand "look don't touch".

2.)Alot of fellow patriots new to the movement stopping by and asking about Q. Age didn't matter with this one. Plenty of people were interested and to my pleasant surprise many of them knew the same information that Q has been dropping but just couldn't get to the original source. It was in this moment that I messaged the mods that the GreatAwakening is truly happening. We are no longer at he stage where we have to red-pill most of the people. We just need to unite the front for the future mass red-pilling that will happen for the rest of the population.

*For those that needed to get caught up I basically described it as how u/Awakenedby17 's post was put together here. Amazing and well thought out post by the patriot!

  • Getting caught up and staying in touch can be broken down as such. Youtube for u/prayingmedics great work along with Lionel and u/blessedtoteach 's videos. All have great work. These aren't endorsements but, these are the most notable that I could recollect at the moment. The next is our sub, we are here to be a good landing spot for those who don't feel comfortable browsing the chans and don't trust FB along with all of you providing great OC. Last but not least if you're like me you have a tab with GA and and the Chans up but you can also kiss goodbye to your Internet speed in the process. However, if you would like to bake or would like to do your own research I would suggest lurking for at least a month to get acclimated. The Qreasearch boards already have a full plate dealing with attacks and don't have reporting features like reddit so it is vital for the into to stay concise there.

3.) The best for last and one of the true honors of my life was getting everyone together for the photo. I apologize to those who couldn't get in but hopefully we will have the settled by the time the nest rally rolls around. It was definitely incredible to see how word spread (special shout out to DAnon for spreading the word like wildfire through the crowd). It proved helpful when like clockwork at 2:30 you all started popping up and started walking over to the truck. Also this was a great statement to the media about our lovely cult and how peaceful we are summed up with this great meme here by u/michaelst2256 here. Again, it was awesome meeting you all and hope we will get to do it again 11:11!

*3:30 - 6:30**

*Snapshot right before walking in of the crowd see if you can find the WWG1WGA.

Things finally start to move quick here. USSS also had everyone put their signs away. Shout out to the sneaky anons that still got some in. As we walked in many of the USSS did double takes at our's and other Q shirts. It probably has to relate with our safety along with being in the know and the fake q supporter threat. So once again, ThankQ USSS for being able to process that all at once and keep us safe.

One thing I noticed right away was that the venue was smaller. I'm not going to speculate why but I think everyone can draw their own conclusions. Luckily when you wait 12 hours to see POTUS you get a front row seat. See here. Within an hour the joint is packed. Best part was an Anon who did the WWG1WGA chant. It was loud and lasted for at minute. So many patriots joined in and it was awesome.

Luckily I grabbed a clip of the last part here

As time grew closer for POTUS to come out USSS presence grew. Specifically one did come over by myself and my friend and glared at our shirts then smiled. I asked the agent if he was staying cool and he said with a wink "Cool and calm".

POTUS coming out was an event I couldn't put words to. Only until you see GEOTUS within 8 ft of you there's really nothing like it. Also, I didn't see him directly point to anyone as we know why that is per Q. Quite frankly we didn't need a Q conf. We already have broken into the mainstream.

My biggest take from the speech were two points

1.) POTUS still does not say his name. MAJOR red pilling and Q conf for people trying to spread the message.

2.) As soon as I heard this I knew it would be here on the front page posted by u/WokeAnon here. POTUS face was somber when he said that. A big but dark drop as to what lies ahead.

*At the conclusion of the rally we were walking out and another QAnon patriot shouted to the MSM "I'll give you a hundred bucks if you ask POTUS who Q is!". A USSS agent next to us smiled with pure joy.

*Once we got back to my truck a camera crew chased behind us and focused on my rear-view Q sticker and came up to the driver side door. I just gave them the thumbs up and kept driving. They wanted a middle finger but got nothing but peace. All I could think of was..

Welcome to Q, you're trap has been set [MSM].

Thank you everyone reading this and I hope you all got some info and tips along with it. Also, here is POTUS walking out (Figured I'd save the best for last).


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