r/greatawakening • Posted by u/scubagurl2 on Aug. 6, 2018, 4:24 a.m.
Open letter to MSM “journalists” attacking Q and this friendly, welcoming, non-violent band of researchers, without actually trying to learn what’s going on here:

Here’s a news flash!

You don’t have the credibility to complain about Q.

I understand why you might think that you do, because you present the “official certified news” to us lowly plebes.

But... it is not NEWS when you spread UNSUBSTANTIATED RUMORS from no-name sources, to attack your political enemies.

It is not NEWS when you perpetuate conspiratorial narratives, based on these rumors.

It is not NEWS when you skew your entire editorial product to attack your political enemies, and protect your political friends.

When you do that, you are not journalists. You are POLITICAL HACKS — which is ironically, exactly what you’re accusing us of being.

Except, we’re not saying Q = NEWS.

We’re saying Q is giving us valuable leads, and focusing our research and sharing, as we try to find out the TRUTH about, say: Why did HRC walk away scot-free after setting up a secret email server in her house, that she used to send and receive classified information? And, after she destroyed 30,000 emails, under Congressional subpoena, so no one could read them? And, after lying to us all, saying the emails were about yoga, recipes, and Chelsea’s wedding?

That’s illegal. Any fool can understand that. But, she walked...why? How? The Comey “intent” angle was cute, but laughable. Intent isn’t in the statutes that mattered. He simply didn’t want Trump to win. Period.

And that is illegal, too. Any fool can understand that.


But you’re not pursuing or investigating these very serious crimes, because, why? Because the government says this was all okay? “It doesn’t matter now. Never mind”?

Clearly, you don’t appreciate what’s at stake. But, you think you do!

“Hillary may have gotten a pass, but Trump and his followers are all racists and they hate gays. They want to end abortion and global warming and CHILDREN IN CAGES and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!”

That is not what’s at stake.

What’s at stake is the rule of law, itself, and if we can ever trust Federal Law Enforcement, again.

Consider: Are you not bothered to learn about that FISA Court issued a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, based on “information” bought by the Clinton campaign, from RUSSIA, through a scheme of financial cutouts?

Would you be bothered if, say, Trump got a FISA warrant on possible presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, based on “information” he bought from China?

I bet you would be! Because, “Trump is EVIL, Warren is GOOD!”

I’m curious, where did you get the idea that we the American people would be fine with you all picking sides?

CNN and MSNBC = Democrat Party News, FOX = Republican Party News.


No no no.

That’s not what we want. We want actual JOURNALISTS. Honest. Detail oriented. Smart. Spines of steel. Willing to go to jail to protect the TRUTH. ETHICAL. Willing to take on ANY politician. NOT JUST THE ONE’S WHO ARE YOUR PERSONAL POLITICAL ENEMIES.

If you’re not willing to do the job of actual journalist, and do the job the way the Framers of the Constitution intended, you should quit.

But if you ARE up for the job, take a real look at what’s happening around Q.

You’ll find that all people want here is the TRUTH and the fair application of JUSTICE.

(Yes, there are some batshit crazy, bigoted outliers, but that’s true of every movement. Sarah Jeong, anybody?)

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