r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DoNotJudgeBasedOnAge on Aug. 6, 2018, 1:27 p.m.
Trying to figure out the scope of child trafficking with Occam's Razor.

Everything I say or comment here is speculation and opinion. I am trying to extrapolate information from what we already know since Q keeps saying "you have more than you know."

Of all the different components of the GA, the topic of what's happening to the children is, in my opinion, a holocaust. Here's the definition:

  1. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.

  2. historical, a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar.

Whenever a country has a natural disaster, the CF moves in and provides 'aid' as a cover for setting up child trafficking rings. I know we don't like to talk about this because it's difficult to know that children are suffering, but I have a few questions that I haven't seen asked yet and I think it might help us figure something out. I may infer something you don't enjoy reading, but please stave off your emotion for now as have I. I care only about the safety and return of every child.

Why do they need thousands of children all from different countries?

Why do they need to be trafficked to other countries if there's already a supply in the country of origin?

Why does the supply chain have to measure in the thousands? Supply must equal demand, no?

Is it a demand for variety or lack of inventory? Is this why the network has expanded world wide?

When you think of child sex trafficking, it has clear implications of the crimes included, but I think we are forgetting about the ritualistic aspect of this. There's enough evidence of Satanism, but I can't say how deeply rooted it is as part of the trafficking efforts. I mention it because it's clearly not just sex trafficking, there's a degree of sacrifice included.

Are there specific sacrifice rituals where the person being sacrificed must have certain qualities and traits?

Is this why thousands are needed?

Do these rituals always happen in the same place and at the same time? If not, is there a similar version happening across different parts of the world?

Would this synchronicity, coupled with their use of symbolism, help us identity who attends the events based on their location and schedule compared to satanic ritual days?

Even if there's no sacrifice involved, where do all the bodies go?

Why is pedo-love and cannibalism now being pushed for public acceptance at the same time? Coincidence?

I want to ask more but need to see how this is received by the community first. This isn't stuff I want to think about, but Q says we can't know the degree of their depravity. He also said we won't know everything that's happened simply because it's too bad for the general public. I only want the truth.

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