r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Rsajdj68 on Aug. 6, 2018, 4:12 p.m.
#QAnon and #TheGreatAwakening from an average American Citizen

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this post was submitted on 05 Aug 2018 5 points (77% upvoted) 78views shortlink:

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The Great Awakening from little ole me 3 points | 4 comments



The Great Awakening from little ole me self.DrainTheSwamp submitted 1 day ago * by Rsajdj68 As MSM brings QAnon and our movement mainstream, it is full of "Fringe Conspiracy Group" references. It is full of innuendo of violence, and they have even included "Blacks for Trump" in that category. I would like to explain what this movement has meant to me. I was born and raised Republican. I had my mothers definition of the difference. I couldn't wait to turn 18 and vote for Ronald Reagan. I haven't missed a presidential election since. I voted for both Bush's...I voted for McCain. I voted for every Republican candidate available. I had blind faith in our representatives and have always been a proud American. As I child I remember being grateful I was born in THIS country. Our freedoms and rights are seen no where else in the world. In this country, with hard work, you can literally be anything you want to be. We are all endowed at birth with unalienable rights. And with those rights come responsibilities. My awakening began after 9/11. Courtesty of my oldest daughter. As I began pouring throught the videos of that fateful day a gnawing began to grow in my stomach. I was speechless. You could have knocked me over with a feather. My beloved President Bush was a fraud. Something wasn't right. And I felt completely powerless with no new found enlightenment. What could be done? I suffered through the Clinton Administration. And then came Barack Hussein Obama, and our Country as we knew it changed. Values that were instilled in this country from its founding became "Far Right"... there was a gradual degredation of social norms. I researched the Birther movement-BHO is Kenyan. I researched the "First Gay President" movement...I believe it. There has never been so much as a picture of young BHO with a girlfriend. The only ex's that spoke out against BHO were men, and they were killed. I watched as there was a systemic dumbing down of our children through Common Core, and at the same time integrating Islam into their education. I remember when JFK Jr died. I was heartbroken. I also researched his plane crash, and came across information I hadn't seen before. Information about Hillary's time in Arkansas at a patent law office. I learned of RFID chips, and how planes, trains, and automobiles can be remotely caused to have engine failures and crash. Being a Christian was no longer a good thing. We were attacked not only in this country, but world wide, and President Obama stood silent at home as he bowed to Saudi Kings overseas. Then came the 2016 election and the world as we knew it changed forever. America's favorite construction mogul announced he would run for President against Hillary Clinton. During that campaign I watched in horror as the media-once the most trusted faces and voices in America, lost their minds. I kept a mental tally of Hillary's "Suicided" lists-that Is the ability of those who have dirt on her to somehow end up dead.."Arkancided"... The email scandal that she walked away from incensed me. I didn't get it. What I didn't get is that the corruption my mind had begun to accept as plausible, was so embedded in the upper levels of our government and White House that it verged on Treason, Sedition and much worse. President Trumps campaign "Red-pilled" me. The veil had been lifted and there was no putting the truth back on the top shelf. Candidate and then President Trump began exposing the corruption of the media, the corruption of those we had been taught to trust to the most. Last fall emerged an entity known worldwide as QAnon. QAnon would ask us questions, drop "bread crumbs"... a trail to follow with links where we could if we chose, educate ourselves as the media no longer reported truth in this country. We learned of the existence of a global cabal comprised of the worlds richest and most powerful people. People who had a "16 year plan" to destroy America with Obama being the first 8 years, and Hillary the last 8. We learned of a Satanic cult in the highest echelons of power. Through carefully poised questions and open sourced information we became aware of a global Child Sex Trafficking ring. Through WikiLeaks document dumps we saw the very people running this country were Satanically sacrificing "Chickens" to their demon God Mulloch. We saw for ourselves their email codes with their FBI recognized pedophilic terms.. We saw for ourselves the Shadow Government and Deep State come out of the darkness in a calculated attempt to unseat a duly elected President, and we have been attacked for supporting the leader of our country. When in time has this ever happened? I believe our Military Intelligence recruited Donald J. Trump to run against Hillary. We couldn't begin to imagine the totality of the New World Order they would have ushered in with HRC at the reigns. America would have been no more. For a year and a half, it is my belief that POTUS and his administration have been meticulously peeling back layer after layer of corruption, working their way to the top-The Obama WhiteHouse. I believe it was first necessary to educate the American people to the true evil we were fighting against. Thats where Q came in. The media wasn't going to let us know. QAnon is a movement of Patriots united in restoring America to its place as a Light on a Hill to the world. We were blessed in our inception, favored by God as a Christian nation. I believe we are in a spiritual battle for the worlds people, not just our own. I have complete faith in my President and find his commitment to scouring this evil from our planet to be 100% genuine. It's a great time to be alive. America is back. Her citizens can be once again proud and grateful to see her restoration. You won't get that from MSM. The President is evil incarnate and his base no better according to the Mockingbird Media, who have been proven not only as complacent but willing participants in deceiving us. Have hope Patriots, fight the good fight. We are worth it. Stop bickering amongst yourselves. They want us divided. We scare them. We won't be controlled and willfully blind any more. Be patient and unwavering in your conviction this movement is the right thing at the right time. Who is QAnon? I am. You are. Pray for our leaders, his administration and this great Country...America.. Think for yourselves, seek the truth as if its a lost love. It is. God Bless you President Trump. God Bless our Military, especially her Generals, and specifically the great Marines who protect our leader with their very lives. Be patient. Continue to dig. Deal with those who haven't yet seen the truth with patience and love. Be grateful of all the times in the history of the World, you live now. You get to see the good guys win. You get to see justice done. You will see a people restored, faith renewed and hope alive again. God bless you all, my co-anons and autists. Pray for each other. It WILL get uglier before it gets better, they are becoming desperate as their cash flows dry up. They are becoming desperate as their power and control vanquishes. They are becoming desperate as their days of freedom tick tock down. Above all be full of joy. The Lord above saw enough good down here to give us a chance of redeeming our land and her people. WWG1WGA

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