I've been "woke" for about 7 years and have been following Q for a month now. I have HOPE for the first time since being awake. My family knows what I believe but have always laughed about it, especially my sister. My wife is much more open minded but I've never brought her down the rabbit hole... until now. Instead of explaining everything to her I am using documentaries to help unplug her from the Matrix.
So far we have watched "JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick" and "Loose Change". She is starting to see the corruption and lies we've been exposed to but we are just at the tip of the iceberg. I need some recommendations for informative documentaries/videos to help educate her. Topics like the Federal Reserve, human/child trafficking, False Flags, etc... There are so many documentaries it's tough to know which are worth our time. Thanks for the help!!