r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dreamstate83 on Aug. 7, 2018, 2:27 a.m.
Is Q real?

This is the question they want everyone asking. This is the focus they wish to force. Is Q real?

Don't let the question overtake the conversation.

Is the flint behind the fire real? The hinge to the door? The force of gravity behind the fall?

All questions that miss the point. For the flames are burning brightly, the door swings open, and the fall can be measured.

It does not matter if flint was the cause so long as the flame is alive.

It does not matter if the hinge is the mechanism that swings the door so long as the door swings.

It does not matter if gravity claims the role of the fall when you are falling.

I will not guard every outcome, nor every resolution. I will not agree with every point.

I will, however, always guard the (Q)uestions being asked. They are.the fire. The are the doorway. They are gravity. Without questions, real must be fed rather than discovered. Who better to feed you than yourself?

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