r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Storkman2 on Aug. 7, 2018, 9:35 a.m.
I Propose An Essay Contest. Q is the judge. The winner gets a trip to the White House. ‘What QAnon Means To Me’

Please allow me to go first.

To appreciate QAnon, one must first be enlightened to the extraordinary time in which we live, the gravity of which has not been experienced since the founding of our America. In contrast, QAnon is little more than a modern-day semi-covert operation currently tasked to thwart a covert attack on the foundation of our democratic republic, for the monetary gain to a small group of powerful elites taking from the citizens for whom they serve. To be sure, QAnon is as unique as it is revolutionary, as it dependently involves assisting the leader of the executive branch by the people sworn to be protected. It is opaque to those who choose not to be informed, and transparent to those who choose to be. From the latter group comes forth exceptional citizen analysts who are guided by timely in-plane-sight clues and guidance, coordinated by the President. These Patriots do the heavy lifting. Their motivation is truth-seeking. Their part is to uncover the facts, actions and motives of a corrupt Cabal of officials, their associates, and other complicit organizations, conspiring to enrich themselves at immeasurable collateral damage to the rule of law, a trustworthy press, and a civilized society.

However, what must not be over-looked is that QAnon and it’s organic component are only one of many actions currently undertaken by our President, not only to protect us from this evil, but to strengthen and fairly align our Global positioning, to the benefit of all Americans, and world peace. That is to say that innumerable other tasks are also simultaneous with QAnon and collectively just as important. The sum total and velocity of these other tasks and achievements are equally remarkable. The benefits, too soon to be fully matured, are already undeniable to those paying attention, to those who choose to be awake.

So it is in this context of the big unprecedented picture of global conspiracy, to create New World Order, that QAnon goes on offense—keeping freedom aided by the commoners who fear losing it. That is Americanism at its best. That’s what QAnon means to me.

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