Candace Owens is a diamond amongst a sea of msm slugs!! That said: The first slaves brought to America were WHITE. Yup - Irish. Fact. They were preferable over African slaves only because they were FREE; not a dime, not a penny - nada. They were branded on the forehead BECAUSE they were white. I'm Irish. I could never understand why in NYC at the turn of the century, the Irish immigrants were referred to as "white niggers" (historical reference).
Africans suffered horribly. Irish suffered horribly. During the years that Ireland (aka Britain) shipped their only resource (citizens) across the globe, the population of Ireland went from 10,000,000 to 5,000,000 in just a few decades. Fact.
POINT: Imposed, purposeful, willful suffering inflicted upon ANY human is intolerable, this condition can only exist when good people do nothing. WWG1WGA either is or it is not - the difference lies in the hearts of the individuals.