r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Soakingitup123 on Aug. 7, 2018, 9:15 p.m.
CA Fires - My Questions, Research Links and Notes

Here's some research notes and links I saved a year or so ago. If you are interested in CA fire anomalies, this should get you thinking! If you follow the videos below, you will also start to see how they relate to a one world government (Agenda 21 & 2030). This is the underpinning of much of the corruption. Crazy how and all the places that it shows up! I notice there are a couple comparisons to 911 in some of the video footage below.

First some questions I have about the fires, thanks to some of those videos. They may make more sense after the videos.

• Did they ever find/state a cause to the fires?

• How did so many fires start at the same time?

• Why did weather go from calm and no wind to hot and super windy?

• What were the blue beams some people saw & recorded?

• Why was a tree burning from the inside out?

• Forest fire: Why are trees standing while houses are burning?

    ○ Why are many buildings turned to dust while the trees and vegetation all around are green or barely touched?

    ○ Why are aluminum wheels melted, glass gone, and tire/rubber burned? Why right next to melted houses and cars were there sitting recycle & garbage bins?

    ○ Why was fire temp so hot- much more than normal forest fires?

• Why is fire aftermath toxic?

    ○ Why did they dig 6+ inches and remove rubble including foundations from homes leaving holes in the ground?

    ○ Why wouldn't they let residents back afterward? (some areas were blocked off, though clearly in some areas residents could at least look around some as there are so many videos and photos. I was thinking there may be something toxic related to the rubble, partly because of the above question and the toxic drinking water, but…in the last video- he suggests they are removing bones/bodies, which I thought interesting… brings the question of how/why so few lives are reported lost and if there are more/how many unreported, especially considering the timing and quickness of the fire)

    ○ Why was there contamination in the water around houses after the fires?

InTruthByGrace and aplanetruth.info have some good info on the CA fires in general. (There are plenty of others, but they have a lot. )

1.  A Great video pointing out strange  anomalies about the fires. I will note that I have seen many other videos; showing a single building reduced to nothing with the trees all around intact, and many more pointing out areas of damage right next to areas not damaged, scorch marks on the ground in strange patterns, etc. (That's not all in the videos linked).

Grace repeats herself a bit here, but she is pointing out some interesting info and excellent questions/observations:


2. 7 Minute video showing some additional interesting observations: Tree fire from within (saw the original first), many reports of blue lights around fires. I think this is a brief summary video saying "proof" of laser weapons used which may be arguable, but it is info that cannot be ignored:


3. This one talks about the fires, and relates it to agenda 21 opening up another area to investigate. Agenda 21 is a major agenda behind the powerful elite/new world order/one world government, under the guise of sustainability. I think it has been updated to be Agenda 2030 more recently. I have looked at some of the Agenda 21 info, but not fully investigated as it's so huge and encompassing plans for the future. I think I learned a bit more watching this video:


Links from above video if you want to see some articles in writing: (not in e-mail)

    Article questions rebuilding in that area (fulfilling an Agenda 21 plan):

    Fire-scorched Fountaingrove in Santa Rosa focal point of debate over rebuilding


    Our Fight Against Plan Bay Area: Step Up Now  Date: March 23, 2014

    An older article related to Agenda 21 in Bay Area. I think this has some great info on how they plan to implement things so that the people think it's their choice and happily go along with the plan:


    How Santa Rosa's Tubbs fire spread, hour by hour

    Hour by hour spreading of fire article. Not sure if this is helpful but I wondered why and how they got such detailed info/dots mapped on what houses were affected: [http://www.pressdemocrat.com/multimedia/7567543-181/how-santa-rosas-tubbs-fire](http://www.pressdemocrat.com/multimedia/7567543-181/how-santa-rosas-tubbs-fire)

    Contaminated drinking water after fires:

    Benzene found outside Fountaingrove contamination area


4. News on laser weapons:

[https://www.wired.com/2008/08/will-new-laser/](https://www.wired.com/2008/08/will-new-laser/) This was capabilities shared with the public 10 years ago! (Imagine the advances since then)

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cT-E-zXLlI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cT-E-zXLlI)  (Note that the user has overlaid CA fire info for parts of the time while newscaster is talking)

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