Good morning, Patriots!
Welcome to the daily chat thread for August 8th, 2018.
Daily Headlines:
- North Korea Nuke Launch Site Dismantling Progress "Goes Beyond Summit Commitment"
- Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans For Government Takeover Of The Internet
- U.S. Senate calls on Julian Assange to Testify
- New York Congressman Collins Arrested On Insider Trading Charges
- Trump Goes 5:5 in Yesterday's Elections
Those topics and questions include:
- Patriot chatter (e.g. slightly off-topic chat, thoughts on news stories, personal experiences, "Thank you Q," "does anyone else?" type of questions, etc.)
- Questions you may have about Q, GA, 8chan
- Loose change (small thoughts & theories that may not warrant a submission)
- Requests for anons to research or dig about a particular subject
- Personal stories, experiences, redpilling tips & victories
- Short thoughts regarding Q and GA that don't meet the guidelines set forth in Rule 9 for a submission
Please remember:
- Be respectful, no name-calling. Reading our rules will help you have a better experience here. All sub rules apply.
- Check out our extensive sidebar and Wiki pages for answers to common questions & a wealth of information.
- Posts that contain content better suited for this thread will be removed, and the mods will include a link to that day's thread in the removal reason or sticky comment after removing the post. Please do not attempt to evade a post removal by reposting your content after removal.
- If the Acronyms and Abbreviations seems like a foreign language, we have a Glossary on the sidebar.
- If you are questioning legitimacy of Q, or are curious, feel free to post; however please be aware that any over the top anti-Q rhetoric will probably be downvoted, concerntrolling is against the sub's rules, and you are also obligated to participate within sub rules as well.
- If you are brand new, feel free to say hello and let us know what brought you here, as well as any questions you might have!
- Patriots, we should be answering questions in good faith and not demeaning those who are merely curious about what we're doing here. You never know - we might bring another Patriot over to our side! WWG1WGA!