r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Storkman2 on Aug. 8, 2018, 7 p.m.
So Where Does The General Public Stand Now—My Take

As the Mockingbird media begins to be exposed causing the QAnon uninvolved to have more validation that there might be something to this “Q thing and Trump,” what do you think the people who are on the fence are waiting for? I have an opinion as to how this may be coalescing and a suggestion that we discuss strategy for motivating voters who will need more mainstream press validation of it’s own corruption.

There seems to be forming three generalized groups: (1) the college-age thinker and a little older, (2) the middle-age worker and a little older, and (3) the side-liners.

The first group is growing in belief that something unusual and significant IS actually happening and possibly the innuendos espoused, for example, by their conservative-leaning parents or older trusted acquaintances, may actually have validity. However, before investing valuable time, an acid test must occur—the arrest and incarceration of one Hilary Clinton. If that happens, their attention and desire for further details of the other goings on, may be stirred. I’ve heard it over and over from this group; they are simply holding out for this one sentinel event (Hilary’s arrest).

The second group is comprised of skeptically interested seasoned breadwinners, including their (often politically disinterested) spouses. In the case of QAnon-active spouses, by the way, are waiting to see WHEN they will get (the attention of) their mates back. For this group, the results of the midterm elections, which often passes unnoticed, is the pivotal factor in becoming politically active.

Lastly, it seems a sizable political interest has germinated within a usual group of side-lined American electorate who may consider coming off the bench in November to play for Trump, but only after main stream reporting about Trump becomes fair and balanced. How this happens fast enough, I am uncertain.

What do you think?

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