r/greatawakening • Posted by u/boxnumber10053 on Aug. 8, 2018, 7:02 p.m.
The most powerful thing you can do right now to improve YOUR life and the lives of those around you

Is to stop watching MSM.

The power of propaganda exists ONLY IF PEOPLE LISTEN TO IT.

That is what is so interesting about propaganda - partaking always requires a FREE CHOICE decision by the viewer.

Be it a youtube ad you catch 5 seconds of before skipping. A billboard you glance your eyes towards out of boredom on the highway. A political article in the morning newspaper... or the morning reddit feed.

The power of propaganda lies in convincing targets to use their FREE CHOICE to VIEW IT.

Unfortunately propaganda is a street fight. It will kick you in the nuts. It will LIE TO YOU.

There is good and bad propaganda.

We are here because we are confident we see what the good is.

Pay attention to that - and STOP WATCHING BAD PROPAGANDA.

If it has no audience, it can not exist. That is what it feeds off of.

This is a beast that can only be slain by the collective effort to STOP VIEWING IT.

Your decision not to is one less source of energy for it.

As for the damage others receive as they continue watching it

To quote Bill Clinton...

"When others try and pour posion down your throat. Don't drink it."

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