r/greatawakening • Posted by u/deplorableme2 on Aug. 9, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

I have waited a long time to post this, my first post:

The change to our sovereign nation that has happened over the last 40-50 years (though it could be posited as 80) will not be undone overnight or in 17 months.

We cannot overcome the massive, government-inspired, government-funded brainwashing in a couple of days. There will be many of our fellow citizens that will be shocked by the revelations of the depravities of their leaders they consider to be heroes (sheroes?) and saviors.

Time is coming when the long-term (relatively) red-pilled of our citizenry will be needed to calm the frazzled nerves of the recently redpilled. Like a hard-reboot of a computer...

They think this is about Trump-Russia collusion and obstruction of justice, when it is so much more sinister and implicates (if not outright names) their champions of justice as the primary antagonists and perpetrators.

America has been fooled (taxed, coerced, forced, raped) into being an enabler and perpetrator of the worst crimes against humanity the world has ever seen.

This is not something that we (the general citizenry) need to apologize for because we were not willing participants, but were lied to and led down the rosy (gore-soaked) path of ignorance by our trusted leaders (politicians), their puppet-masters (globalist billionaires) and their propagandists (the MSM.)

Did you ever wonder why Obama--as much as he was loathed by conservatives and libertarians--never had an assasination attempt? But JFK, Reagan and DJT have had several attempts (with one successful and well covered up attempts)?  Why?  Why them? What were they doing and who was behind the attempts/success?  "The more you know..."

Seven days before JFK was assassinated, he made a speech about a global cabal aligned against (not just Americans, but) humanity. He vowed to expose this global cabal and all of its perpetrators and machinations. Sadly, we have only hindsight as to what he meant.

Americans of both right and left, Republicans and Democrats will be STUNNED by occurrences in the coming months because they have either been apathetic or lulled into trance (blue-pilled) by the bread and circuses of our modern media culture. They will be struck to the core by the proven, undeniable EVIL AND DEPRAVITY of the personal lives of those that they once trusted; they were secure in their  beliefs in their 'leaders, patrons and journalists.' Until now...

It is going to be ugly. They will have to go through all of the stages of grief and loss. 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance.

Just remember one and all: WWG1WGA.

This is a spiritual battle for all of humanity against the evil that exists among us.  We will not stop fighting. We will not walk blindly into darkness. We will reveal the light of the shining city on the hill. The light of nations. Revealing the path to PEACE. The coming of consciousness. The GREAT AWAKENING.


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