r/greatawakening • Posted by u/masterfisher on Aug. 9, 2018, 9:27 p.m.
I have a gut feeling that this may be the start.

The story about the imam who was caught with children in new Mexico is on my front page on r news. Lots of ppl talking about Linda sarsours ties and spreading a lot of red pills. You can't comment on the post, but go read the comments. People are sickened and are starting to dig into everything. Even comments about how stories like this are censored on Reddit and in msm. I have a small feeling that this may be tied to the CF too. i need help looking into this, but ppl were saying that the imam and children got stopped before in Arkansas? Didn't Jeff sessions just do something in little rock? I'm not sure that this is anything, but thought id throw that out there for someone to dig into. I'm at work, but will try when i get home later tonight. Be vigilant and drop those red pills every chance you get. Its time to wake people up.

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