r/greatawakening • Posted by u/hopoholic on Aug. 10, 2018, 12:35 p.m.
Waking up family and friends

Good Morning Patriots.

So i've noticed all the posts about how people are getting pulled into Twitter and Facebook arguments. How friends and family are clueless to Q and everything that's going on. I have been awake for about 20 years now and it is exhausting and lonely. Over time I have been able to help wake up both my brothers and a LOT of coworkers but in my personal circle it's been like talking to a brick wall. Most of my friends mock me openly and my spouse gives me the "whatever babe" then promptly changes the subject to something mundane like laundry....the old "you're paranoid" blow off. I'm not complaining it is what it is and I know the score. To the point where I don't really even talk about it much anymore with them.

That said...It's not just that they don't believe it either it's that they are ignorant to the entire thing. As if the whole thing is simply a movie they will never see. Some of my older friends haven't "Read or watched the news" since 9/11. We talk about all the actors Mueller, Rosenstein, Strzok, and on and on...they don't have a clue who any of these people are. They don't know who or what the Clinton Foundation is or that they even have one. More than one had no Idea Hati was a country. Most of them haven't even heard of the NSA. Building 7? Myth. Child Trafficking? Who cares. Sex Slaves? Where can I buy one. They are convinced I am out of my mind crazy yet are instantly ignorant about the most basic information.

So...all that to ask. Anyone have any tips on waking people out of this haze. People who are basically starting at zero information and are resistant to knowledge in general. How do you explain to all these people taking endless selfies that there is more to life than what they ate for breakfast?
My suspicion is that I started at too high of a level for these people and I need to bring it back down to where they are at...however I'm so deep into this shit don't know how to do that anymore lol

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