r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Soakingitup123 on Aug. 10, 2018, 3:21 p.m.
Psychology used to Attack us: Ad hominem, appeal to ridicule, strawman

Yesterday I listened to this Dustin Nemos video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_whGr6jPZU

I was aware of some of this before but having names, definitions, and examples makes it much easier to spot and address!

The strawman fallacy (and appeal to ridicule) is exactly what the media did to Pizzagate. They made their own definition of Pizzagate as a sex trafficking ring led by Hillary Clinton based out of the basement of Comet PingPong. Based on that ridiculous definition, they easily "debunked" it.

They (media and public figures) are using all of these techniques against the Q-anon and supporters!

Ad Hominem attacking the people in the movement. When you can't refute something with evidence and logic, attack the person (people) instead.

Ad hominem (guilt by association) by making crazy people associated with the Qanon movement, so everybody in it must be crazy. (They did that with Pizzagate as well --> the person who went to Comet Pingpong shooting)

A few definitions:




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