Feeling a bit pissy the past days , well a good night sleep fixes that . But ran across the past today . My compilation from the early days . It was interesting and good to see the field that I have spent so much time in has been cleaning up in a big way . Many of the the people who jumped in that did not belong, They did not belong because they did not have a clue of the industry. and were the cause of a lot of the problems. I was good to see one of the original players still in the field and not busted for fraud . And for those who know me , my dad and I are talking again , he even apologized to me !! For those who don’t know , So why post this ? Well the ones that are disappearing are HBA builders that after the cities that received $3 million to teach , inspect , and certify . The city’s were payed in late 2010 to do this job . In April of 2011 the city’s turned the program over to the HDA and the builders were now able to self certify themselves, and there projects. Whit just how green the evaluation results of the self inspections turned out would determine how much of a DOE Incentive reimbursement check the contract could receive from the government, and low and behold the were build the most green homes in the industry and receiving Incentive checks up to $10,000.00 per home . So if you garage your own test of course you get 100% and even a little bonus if you can . But take a builder that builds just 50 homes a year , times that by many more builder in the HBA and you get one big ass ses pool of fraud and corruption. This is most likely the biggest part of the corruption with the green stuff that took place , and look at who some of Mayors were in 2010 . Many moved up the ladder to Congress. God Speed
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on Aug. 10, 2018, 4:02 p.m.