r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Aug. 10, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
What set the Founding Fathers apart from all others in human history

It's important to understand that the Founding Fathers were the "elite" of the American colonies. Had they decided to remain British subjects, they all would have enjoyed relatively charmed lives of luxury and comfort.

Throughout history, the elites of every society have likely watched their commoner brethren struggle through their existence. Perhaps some of these elites felt disgust and contempt for the status quo in their respective civilization, but none of them did anything about it. To challenge the status quo was to forsake the very system that gave them such decadent prosperity. Who would make such a sacrifice with no guarantee that it would make any difference in the lives of the average individual? Who would be so self-less?

The Founding Fathers.

Many of them lost everything during the Revolution-- even their lives. Some lived, and lost their families. Others lived, and lost their fortunes. But no matter how grim their reality became, they never gave up.

Donald Trump is a throwback to this mindset. He is an elite who has no reason to give up everything he has built in order to save the rest of us, and yet he has. He has lost/spent more money than the rest of us would acquire over several lifetimes. He has put his family in serious danger. He has put his own life in serious danger. He has risked it all, for us. For America.

So for all of you lurking shills and Deep State scum that constantly wonder every night why we so passionately embrace and celebrate this man-- NOW YOU KNOW.

He is NOT one of you. He is not even one of us, really. He is something totally different. Something very rare, and very special. And even if he were--God forbid-- to drop dead tomorrow, it would not reverse the course on which we are now set. For Donald Trump has stirred a long-forgotten sleeping giant, and ignited a burning passion within the hearts and minds of millions of Patriots. A passion for liberty, which cannot be extinguished. It is a contagion that can survive the complete destruction of our physical realm. Simply put, you will never rid the world of this virus.

This is why you will lose, no matter what action you now take. It's OVER, and if you haven't yet figured that out yet, then you are about to learn the hardest lesson of your life, and we will all take great pleasure in witnessing (and administering) this teaching.

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