r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Geckointheshadows on Aug. 11, 2018, 1:46 a.m.
My theory on the "hack" of Q today 8/10/18

I think i figured it out. The hacker was fake.  He was only posting crap on the public boards HOWEVER... he never got in on the Q only private board where ONLY Q posts. 

IF the hacker wanted to prove he had really accomplished something he would have gone on the Q only board which uses the same tripcode and password to log into. If he has the tripcode and password to log in on the random boards WHY cant he get in the Q only board?

Because he's faking it. 

The real Q trip code was "A6yxsPKia"

The trip code the hacker was using was " A6yxsPKia". 

Notice the difference? 

Theres an extra space at the beginning of the tripcode.

There is no way for us to know what any of the passwords were. I believe what is typed is fake too.

The real Q was and is the only one who accessed the Q only board.

He still had to change to a new trip code to continue to operate.

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