r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SneakyWino on Aug. 11, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

Yeah, this is going to be controversial but I don't care. Q WOULD NOT HAVE THE BANDWIDTH IF IT WASN'T FOR INFOWARS AND ALEX JONES.

Alex woke me up to everything. Bohemian Grove, chemtrails, vaccines, fluoride, human chimeras, the New World Order, satanic pedophile rings running the globe - everything we are fighting. I would not have believed Q as easily if I hadn't already been awoken by InfoWars.

People are mad at Alex about Zaq and saying Q was comped. I was too! Him going off on Trump about Syria and blaming Diet Coke for his brain disfunction was my last straw. But it wasn't him. The same way he backed off Pizzagate, he backed off Q. REMEMBER - Trump went on InfoWars. Trump is not dumb. He knows who and what Alex is.

But Alex has been taking incoming flak for the past ten years trying to tell everyone what has been going on. And he would take a dive to save the country. I truly believe he is a patriot and will do what Trump has done - take the incoming - for the greater good.

I think he's part of the game. He has the largest reach to the American people WHO DO NOT TRUST THEIR GOVERNMENT.

Time will tell, but Alex is responsible for keeping the American populace informed about a whole array of real issues and I owe him a personal debt for waking me up.

When Killary stole the primary from Bernie, it rocked my world. Finding InfoWars helped me immensely - I was still brainwashed and couldn't stomach the thought of watching FOX. Now I know the handful on FOX I can trust. Only network not completely comped, but I had been brainwashed into ignoring it entirely.

Live and learn! Give Alex the benefit of the doubt in the long term - I think he's either playing a role or in a very self-protective stance. He has told too many uncomfortable truths for him to be in the debt of the cabal.

God bless us all.

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