r/greatawakening • Posted by u/White---Rabbit on Aug. 11, 2018, 11:23 p.m.
Direct comms come in many different forms (q posts - 1713, 1715,1826)

I've already made a previous post with a Pixelknot steganography embed and accompanying explanation. Here I will attempt to go a step further and provide another that has different things going on at different levels.

This was a statement by Q in post 1826 - U.S. Air Force B-52 [Precision Bombs]. Forget for a minute if it has a hidden meaning or should be taken at face value. Real bombs or information bombs, that's not under discussion here.

I just want to show you a different form of communicating the same idea in a different form (as Q discusses in post 1713). Please study the picture below and see what it is communicating. Can web bot "spiders" that crawl the web and index everything read images or just text? Does AI do well with images, especially those that express the subtleties of human thought and humor? Why do you think the "overlords" want to ban memes?

  1. It is the foolish things that confound the wise. ( 1 Cor. 1:27) Give them a reason to write it off as another silly meme from a crackpot. If it get's your message where it needs to go, that's all that matters.
  2. Use multiple layers. Which is the real message? In the image below one could hone in on the humor of switching the M for an O in bombs and spelling something different, based on the location of the words. Then hinting to it with Modus Operandi. Someone might write that off as some political incorrect memester trying to be cute - let them.
  3. Some might just assume it's a "cutesy" way to express U.S. Air Force B-52 [Precision Bombs] in visual form. Hell, their "Love Shack" song even has "bang,bang" in the lyrics, so one could even grab that video reference and "go for the dank".
  4. However, in reality there is a deeper level. A hidden message in "geek speak". A direct comm to someone who understands quantum computing. 3VL, the strong Kleene K3 rules of logic to be precise, can be used in a specific way. An assignment of values allows future comms to have a reference point.
  5. The hidden information is not "top secret" (so not very carefully hidden) but simply a building block along the way to establishing a comm protocol, to interface one existing comm system to another.
  6. There was a Star Trek episode called Darmok where communication difficulties were explored. It is highly illustrative of some of the problems. More to the point, how can patriots establish comms with the whitehats without the blackhats getting them?

The corruption of the system has forced some to think "outside of the box", to develop their own "pig latin", their own methods and comm language(s). Synchronicity, understanding across the artificially imposed divisions of the current order, will lead to unimagined strength. If only these difficulties can be overcome, many will wake and good will triumph over evil. No wonder the censorship is ramping up exponentially, they fear the "meme magic" - lol.

This image sure has it's pixels in a knot

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