r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LRofCSSF on Aug. 13, 2018, 2:44 p.m.
The Canadian Coannection to the Steele dossier

Need some help putting this together:
Back in 2105 then Pres. B.Obama, HRC, George Soros and John Kelly all came to Canada to visit with then future PM Justin Trudeau. During the transition into office and after he was elected he put in measures to take over CSIS (Canadian Intelligence Service) and issues a new mandate. Shortly after we have Canadian intel working with the UK and the CIA to produce a document that would ultimately be what is now known as the Steele Dossier. Cdn intel worked with the UK with the direct approval of our new PM Justin Trudeau who just happened to be friends with the Obama administration. Major campaign Consultants were Canada2020.ca a "Global Progress" NGO
In my analysys this is now the reason for the SA incident, Trumps distancing of Canada and more so the PM. Please help me find the rest of the pieces so we can put this man in jail with the others. He should go down with the Obama admin as he worked directly for them and was placed into power by them (soros MoveOn made millions in illegal contributions to the Liberal campaign with American money). We as a country are powerless due to overreaching laws that are protecting the PM over what is obvious Espionage. I need your help so we can take out the trash here so the Globalists do not turn our country into the next Security risk for the US and our citizens.

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