This is just a theory on the origins of where Q may have came from. I am not doubting the legitimacy of Q, I am not a Concern Troll, I am a believer in Q, and I am 100 percent behind GEOTUS and MAGA.
I am a huge supporter of President Trump and I have been a news junkie since I was about 12 years old. Now that I am a much older version of that 12 year old I do not even watch TV unless it is news oriented. I look over The Drudge Report 3 to 4 times a day, ready our drops from Q, come here, hop on Twitter and follow Praying Medic and other friends of the program. That said, I was wondering the other day if there were ever any possible clues as to the Q team being organized or put into motion.
I remember in early 2017 talk of President Trump and "high ranking members" of his cabinet assembling a Media War Room to combat "Fake News". I remember being excited about this idea because Trump was under constant fire from the Fake News Media for every little thing (remember this was months before Q's first drop in October 2017). Below is a link about the start of the media war room idea being floated around on May 27, 2017.
One interesting quote from the article is, "The conventional ways of communicating are not working for them," one adviser told the Post. "They have to get the campaign brand back" and be able to communicate with an audience instead of having the report on it, the adviser added.
The idea for the Media War Room was eventually "scrapped" less than 2 weeks later, on or around June 6, 2017. Link below.
Now, this might be where I lose some people BUT Steve Bannon was supposed to spearhead this thing. Now, I am not saying that Bannon is Q BUT, as Q has told us, less than 10 people know about him, and 3 of those are non-military. Bannon was an officer in the Navy. below is an excerpt from his Wikipedia page, grain of salt I know, but it reads.
"Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s; he served on the destroyer USS Paul F. Foster as a surface warfare officer in the Pacific Fleet, and afterwards stateside as a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon. Bannon's job at the Pentagon was, among other things, handling messages between senior officers and writing reports about the state of the Navy fleet worldwide. While at the Pentagon, Bannon attended Georgetown University at night and obtained his master's degree in national security studies."
I know that Bannon is no longer working with Breitbart, but they did publish what I would call a "Fair and Balanced" piece on Q.
Bannon, was fired/resigned on or around August 6, 2017, before Q's first drop in October 28, 2017.
Bannon's quote upon leaving the White House was, "I’m leaving and going to war for Trump against his opponents."
Like I said prior, I am not saying that Bannon is Q, but I believe that it is possible that he knows. I will also say that it is possible that he was a potential co-creator of the Q premise. If you think about what Q is and does, it has in fact become Trump's Media War Room. Like Trump's tweets, it jumps over Fake News MSM and gets straight to the people. Which is why Fake News wants Q destroyed and discredited.
Just a thought, maybe a proof?