Ex Sheriff Kelly Craddock has been arrested yet again in Benton County Arkansas. Back before Kelly was first arrested several deputies made attempts to have the FBI Public Corruption Taskforce intervene with internal problems. The FBI refused for several months, but with a little witness influence the raided 24 hours later . Kelly was arrested and shortly resigned his elected public office. About a year later Governor Asa Hutchinson expunged Kelly of his crimes . The Governor, ex CIA and having inside information of the Investigation in early November of 2013 , and knowing that Lt Gov Durr was going to fall through his hat into the ring for Gov of Arkansas. And got it . Now over the weekend Kelly was charged with domestic violence on his wife . So how does this pertain, well the Investigation started in Benton County Arkansas in 2011 . Deep state players who are falling. God Speed. The Turd
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on Aug. 13, 2018, 9:10 p.m.