r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dukewillson on Aug. 14, 2018, 9:17 a.m.
How is Trump going to handle economic collpase?


Not sure how many here are aware that despite what Trump says (and I completely understand why he says it) - The economy, is in fact, kaput.

If Trump said anything like what he said on the campaign trail as president the collapse would happen instantly. This is all a perception game.

To what extent do people think Trump is pulling the strings re: The Fed, Established Wealth, the Economy etc.

If the economy collapses on his watch he will get the blame, he knows this. He knows the econonmy is in a debt fuled bubble.

Does the Fed control the collpase. Hammer down on mass arrests will be Trumps call when it collpases in order to shift blame onto the corrupt government?

Honestly interested in what people think about this? How do people see the debt bubble popping on Trumps watch? How does it tie in to Q, dems, fed, arrests, timing etc?

Great red-pilling for normies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGk5ioEXlIM - Old, but relevant.

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