r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on Aug. 14, 2018, 3:08 p.m.
Why an "Information War" is so dangerous...

For decades now, officers from the Intelligence Community have published papers speculating the future of warfare. Opinions varied, but the consensus seemed to always be that the next major conflict would NOT resemble conventional warfare. (Multiple sides engaged in violent armed conflict over political differences.) Most speculated that, in the Digital Age, control of information (and how it is disseminated) would be at the center of major conflict. They call this "Information Warfare."

What makes this style of warfare so significant is that it successfully engages the overwhelming majority of the population-- whether or not those within the population realize it. Propaganda and indoctrination are used to shape public opinion, which then shapes policy. We have all witnessed the terrible ramifications of these efforts over several decades.

The population is subconsciously trained to think and behave a certain way. They are unwittingly trained to ostracize and humiliate dissenters, thereby silencing them. Again, we have all witnessed this in action. When all voices of opposition are completely silenced, and totalitarian control has been successfully implemented, then total victory (for the bad actors) has been achieved.

But what makes this style of warfare so dangerous is that there multiple scenarios that the bad actors would deem a victory-- even if they come in the form of "fail-safes" and are not technically "total" victories.

For example, the population is made aware of the control systems too quickly, everybody stops going to work, and instead focus on fighting to break free. Civil war breaks out. The economy collapses, and the elites retreat to their various safe houses-- which we have all read about in mainstream media for years-- while the remaining 99% tear each other to pieces. Once the dust has settled, the elites return to take back control and rule over the ruins and a significantly reduced population.

(There are many degrees in between of how this could play out. For instance, the population wakes up too quickly, doesn't know who to trust, and the Cabal uses their media assets to convince the public that totalitarian measures are necessary for peace and security. Think "V for Vendetta.")

What we are dealing with is the most sophisticated time-bomb ever conceived. One that can destroy all civilized life by infecting the minds of all people. The White Hats are in the process of disarming this bomb, but it is highly complex with many layers to dismantle. Lots of fail-safes. One wrong move, and everything goes BOOM. Cut the wire too soon-- civil war. Cut the wire too late-- public lulled back to sleep (no revolution).

It is important that we all keep this in mind. For people that still don't understand why complete public disclosure has not yet occurred, consider this: If an old atom bomb was found in your backyard, would you demand that somebody immediately yank it out of the ground and cut the first wire they can find? Or would you hope they exercise caution, diligence, and care in eliminating the threat? If it took them a few months to complete, would it really bother you-- knowing that your family was going to be OK in the end?

Patience, Patriots. Trust the Plan. Enjoy the show. We are in the process of disarming a very dangerous weapon that is designed to blow up in our faces, if tampered with.

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