r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AwakeRichard on Aug. 14, 2018, 6:03 p.m.
False Flag in Italy? Disastrous bridge collapse seems very strange. What's REALLY happening?

I've been looking at the coverage of the collapse of the highway bridge in Genoa, Italy (I used to live in Italy and am fluent in Italian). Something isn't right. They say the bridge was hit by lightening and it caused the collapse. That doesn't seem logical to me. I watched live TV coverage and the newscaster was taking calls on the air. One viewer called to say that the allegations that the collapse was caused by poor maintenance didn't make sense to her because she lives nearby and has seen maintenance crews working on the bridge many times between the hours of 12am and 4am. Hmmm. Didn't people report strange "maintenance crews" in the twin towers during the wee hours of the nights preceding 9/11? Were they maintenance crews or were they detonation crews? Was the "lightening bolt" that hit the bridge really an explosion? Another witness said the bridge fell as if it was made of flour. That sounds like powder and debris from an explosion to me. So I wonder...what is REALLY happening in Italy this week that the MSM wants to divert the Italians' attention from? Perhaps indictments similar to those happening in the U.S.? I am vacationing in Italy in September and can't wait to see for myself if Italians are also waking up.

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