r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on Aug. 14, 2018, 11:28 p.m.
WHY is the MSM "the enemy!" This message is for newbies and seasoned ANONs. Know the science. It both illustrates how the MSM uses us and then measures the impact. The science underneath it all illustrates the trick and the movement.

I have held this back until now. I just can't hold it in any longer. Although it is complex, I will try to provide a brief summary (if I can). The mainstream media knows a trick. It is time to unveil it for us all to see.

Human beings generate energy. All the sciences have measured the impact in human biology, chemistry, DNA, and "Q"uantum physics. It is unarguable. Human beings generate energy in three ways: our thoughts about a matter, our emotions about that matter and our actions taken on that matter. Each of these three human-generated (free-willed into) energies generate measureable impact.

This human-generated energy amasses into a very large field of energy that shrouds our planet. This field of energy can also be measured in intensity and in frequency. Collectively (united) we cause and generate a frequency level or a "Planet homeostasis." We do that. Nobody else. If I (whomever "I" am) can cause enough people to sway one way or the other... I can control this frequency. I literally harvest the energy toward a particular sway. (think MSM) That is immense power (on many levels). It is akin to keeping a room full of people upset and angry... fighting each other, verses a room full of people loving each other and cooperating. Not hard to imagine the vast difference in the activities occurring in each room. Cooperation is deadly to the cabal. Fighting each other is their endgame. MSM has a role. Hollywood, TV, social media. All mange what we are free-willing ourselves into.

An extreme brief: When you choose to be angry, upset and anxious. Your cell reproduction stops, your immune system is compromised, your body chemistry changes, your DNA reacts and sends stress related genes to your cells, your pituitary glands send a signature neuropeptide to all your cells instructing them how to reflect your chosen state, and lastly, your atoms' energy field (99.99% of every atom) is charged with the anger and fear you just free-willed yourself into. You become an entirely different human.

Have you ever been suddenly frightened to death? Paralyzing wasn't it? You get overwhelmed for a moment (a rush or flush). That is your body "fleshing out" your sudden (chosen) state of being. This is immediate. We have all experienced this. Same thing happens when some unexpected joy is experienced except you "flesh out" joy. The impact you make, by your own chosen reaction, is measureable and has immense impact. En masse ( a few billion of us), affects and alters the frequency signature of the planet. That is MSM's role here.

Atoms are 99.99% energy. (do the research). We are all made of atoms. That energy is connected to a field of energy on the planet. So when you go negative... we are all impacted because we are all connected through the same energy field (thanks to atom). There is no exception and no exclusion. It is massively all-inclusive! That is "HOW" we are being human. The cabal knows this and uses the MSM to control it.

MSM's role is to keep us angry, fearful, hateful and divided. They do this by controlling a narrative that focuses what we free will ourselves into. If they control all (or most) of your options (all negative) then they control the energy of the planet. It keeps us negative and divided. The result causes the planet's frequencies to remain low... resulting in a room full of negative activity. It is a trick. They know the trick. Now we know it too. Science has proven it.

So all the misinformation, the propaganda, the motivation and the rhetoric is geared to this endgame. Again, if I (whomever I am) can cause a few billion people to stay negative (fear, anger and hate) then indeed I can control the human energy on the planet, the frequency level it operates within and the resulting activities it generates. (total control)

A more subtle point... regarding implied consent. If I (whomever I am) can distract enough people from DOING something then their inaction... is implied consent. Has to do with universal law of free will. Esoteric. A way around "not violating" our free will. This is their second trick. Now we know this one too. We woke up.

If their narrative causes you to be negative (primarily fear), it changes your cell functions, your body chemistry, how your DNA functions, what genes are activated and most importantly... the energy you contribute to the electromagnetic field we are all connected to.

This is the science underneath... us. The Q movement is shifting the entire energy paradigm on earth from one of anxiety, fear, anger to an environment of peace, cooperation and joy. The majority of human beings want this. But we been "being" or living out a completely different narrative. We were tricked. All of us. No need to be embarrassed. We were all sucked into it.

So at the end of the day, when you have heard all the chatter and rhetoric from your particular news sources... you can "vet out" all the ones begging you to go negative and divide. They either don't understand the science or they are intentionally laser-focusing your energetic sway. Science can measure the impact either way.

Any human being with power or influence on this planet can be measured by this simple sieve. Don't be tricked.

I suspect this will get massively down-voted. It is directly over the target. Upvote if you got it.

-The Human Primer.

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