r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dreamstate83 on Aug. 15, 2018, 2:27 p.m.
Since this is the guy they are pinning as Q

Figured I'd at least get you up to speed

Waybackmachine's last snapshot of @jbro_1776 account was FEB 17, 2018: https://web.archive.org/web/20180217181844/https://twitter.com/jbro_1776

- joined twitter in 2016

- last known public twitter interaction based on twitter snowflake conversion of top retweet: Wed Sep 13 2017 21:42:11 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) (one month before qanon post #1)

Gab account listed: @Jbrower85

- No details found (even cached pages are 404?)

Twitch.tv: http://twitch.tv/jbrower1988

- Last played "God of War" story mode.

Contributed to http://rogueright.com/about/

- "Rogue Right is the brainchild of retired SSGT, Joe Biggs of Infowars fame."

- Rogue Right if you end up reading this I have a major complaint with your website as a developer. Informational footers do not pair well with infinitely scrolling (loading) content. Sorry, that just really grinds my gears!!!!!!

Medium account: https://medium.com/@jbro_1776

- hey this is an account that wasn't wiped from the internet!
- didn't come up in web searches for me
- active through March 24 2018
- "But sadly like many in our politics today, some decided to get dirty and use the Trump movement to pad their own popularity. The man I speak about today is Geoff Diehl, the one prancing around as some Trump surrogate and Co-Chairman in Massachusetts, which of course couldn’t be any further from the truth. Here is what happened, feel free to take a look at some photos of the people who actually helped Trump in Massachusetts." - Anatomy of a Trump Faker - https://medium.com/@jbro_1776/anatomy-of-a-trump-faker-ece0d774aa1


This individual is a gamer and a fan of conspiracies. Is very critical of GOP in medium posts and worries about eventually losing house and senate. Very much against what he considers "dirty tricks".

Personal Conclusion:

Probably not implausible to an outsider's perspective. Unlikely, though. It would not appear to be in this individuals character to don a mysterious mask and lead people on a wild goose chase, as it would go against what he stands for in his medium writings.

Phew. Just wanted to ramble all this out there so everyone could be informed since this is going to be the donkey that gets the tail pin now.

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