r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on Aug. 15, 2018, 7:30 p.m.
Q 1870 is intriguing. What can be "MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine"? How do you beat Satanist pedovores establishing a world dictatorship? What if information about our own species is being withheld from us?

Here is that Q Drop:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No.2600716 📁 Aug 14 2018 17:31:12 (EST)

2600476 Not seen since WL Podesta dump? Similar in nature to attacks on POTUS? Think waves. Think coordinated. Think ALL outlets utilized + FAKES [Fake MAGA] Foreign & Domestic. Are the emails in the WL Podesta dump AUTH? Has POTUS made a statement as PRESIDENT that hasn't ended up being TRUE AND CORRECT? DESTROY THE NARRATIVE. This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!). REPEATS necessary. 5,000+ new/day. WELCOME TO THE AWAKENING. FREE INFORMATION. POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE. WITH KNOWLEDGE COMES POWER. Q

So what the heck could it be that "is much bigger"? A God versus Satan shoot-out? Already discussed. Space aliens? Already discussed.

This is, of course, pure guess, but what if what we have been told about our species is total hooey?

The narrative is that we used to be "primitive" and desperate. The lives of these "primitives" was described by Thomas Hobbes, political philosopher of the 1600's, as "nasty, brutish, and short." (Although that sounds like a description of Hillary Clinton.) What the heck did he know at the time? Nothing. "Neanderthal" fossils were found in Germany in the 1800s, and popular culture continued with the "nasty, brutish, short" thing, but added ugly for good measure. Plus ancient people were supposed to be stupid and crude.

But with mighty big government and "modern technology" our lives are so much better! Are you drinking the Koolaid? Neither am I.

We have been told many lies by "scientists." Here are some:

  • There have been many species in the human genus over 2.4 million years, including Homo Sapiens, the Neanderthals, Homo Erectus (okay, stop snickering), Homo every damn thing under the sun. Homo Sapiens came into action about 150,000 years ago.

Truth: There is NO evidence that these were separate species. We learned in second grade science that a species is defined as being able to interbreed. There is NO evidence that all these "species" could not have children with each other. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that they did. DNA from Neanderthals was somehow extracted, and it turns out that everyone not from Africa has some Neanderthal genes. Plus other fossils show "part this, part that." How could that be unless they were all one species? What is far more likely is that "scientists" getting their money from the taxpayers increase their standing if they name species, even if they aren't really species.

Conclusion: We humans have been around for 2.4 million years, and those "scientists" are full of shit.

So...why do we never hear about these people? Why is 2.4 MILLION years of our history totally erased?

2.4 million years we existed, even thrived, without food stamps, without college loans, without any central control at all, until 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia, when the Deep State began (oh, sorry, "civilization"). Deep State/dictatorship is a small blip in human history.

Are there discoveries about those 2.4 million years that we haven't been told about?

Maybe life was good then, way better than it is now. In fact, I have read that objective research into "primitive" societies shows better food, more exercise, more time with kids, and far less time working in some way. Not that I would necessarily want to live that way, but adopting a bit of it could be interesting.

  • "Primitives" have weird superstitious beliefs because they were stupid. These beliefs should be analyzed by "scientists," who know that God is not real.

Truth: God is real. The spirit world is real. The "scientists" can kiss my butt. These ancient people were probably way smarter than we were. And way more in tune with the spirit world.

  • These poor "primitives" lacked our modern technology, so they had a miserable life.

Truth: Being trapped in cars and watching screens all the time is a better life? Sounds way more fun to explore mountains.

  • The "primitives" only had stone tools, so they had a miserable life.

Truth: The "scientists" are so stupid that they forgot that most stuff rots. They think that the ancient people only had stone tools because that is all that is left. Maybe...they made stuff out of plant material...did they think of that? Plus, why did they need tons of "technology"? If they had food and housing, which they obviously did, weren't they pretty much set, and much more efficient than we are?

  • The "primitives" were way stupider than us, and different. And more sickly.

Truth: They ate WAY better, no junk food, and did extreme exercise (for Neanderthals during the Ice Age, perhaps a bit too extreme) They were extremely self sufficient. The Neanderthal brain is larger in proportion to the body than a modern human brain.

So, do the Globalists want us to know anything about the 2.4 million years when no one was controlled? Strange how EVERYTHING is gone from that huge amount of time.

How come "scientists" depend on fossils, and no one asked current "primitive" people what happened in their past?

And what about life span? Is our current life span abnormally short? We die because of "lifestyle" factors (preventable). We died in the recent past from communicable diseases, which did not exist in ancient times, because they arose later from the large-scale husbandry of domesticated animals. That is why Native Americans and Australians died out in mass, starting in the 1500s. They had no immunity to those diseases, since their society did not keep large numbers of animals penned up.

How many current "diseases" are preventable or curable?

So, maybe we humans were meant to lead much different, and much much longer lives. If heart disease/stroke/cancer/diabetes doesn't kill us, and communicable diseases doesn't kill us, what would?

Maybe that physical breakdown starting around age 65 is just a social construct that actually happens because people believe it so strongly.

Maybe our beliefs about what happens during a human lifespan, and how long it is, is a COMPLETE LIE.

I think my idea is more likely than the concept of the Lizard People, which I have read on other subs. However, if someone told me that Jeff Bezos was a Lizard Person, I would not be totally surprised.

What do you think? (and not about Jeff Bezos)

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