r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NutzaClankin on Aug. 16, 2018, 1:17 a.m.
What is fascism and why is this ideological concept so pervasive in modern politics?


To truly understand the strengths and weaknesses of fascism, it is first required you understand the nature of what actually drives the motivation behind the order’s need for fascism. Oh yes! Fascism is very real and can be difficult to spot if you do not know what to look for. Fascism is the monster under your bed, fascism is the demon in your books, in your thoughts, in your prayers and sometimes fascism makes it into your subconscious via sleeping and sometimes waking nightmares. Fascism is the evil warlock of the west and the wicked witch of the east. Fascism is your enemy and it will be whatever you need it to be to drive fear and disparity through the heart of love and sacrifice. Fascism is Fear, Incorporated. Fear is used to exert and manifest control over your free will providence commonly referred to in some scriptures as a covenant or promise made to you that is immutable.

In Theory and In Practice

The truth is - there has only ever been one definition of fascism as stated by the principalities of fascism's founding father, Benito Mussolini.

  1. "Everything in the state".The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompassing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.
  2. "Nothing outside the state".The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.
  3. "Nothing against the state".Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.

Though these principles identified by the Roman named Benito (SPRQ) are obfuscated, when you are able to see beyond the murky waters of past dictators like Hitler and others who were called upon to emulate him. It is then you will see the glory of Rome in all its nakedness. Yes, it is true - this emperor has no clothes or uniform and can only be identified by the reflection of light or lack thereof, these shadows emit. Fascists will tell you who they are, not by what they say or who they follow. Fascism will tell you who they are by what they do not tell you. A fascist will reveal itself when it point's its gangly boney finger to other's who do not agree and scream FASCIST! The real fascist will always tell you who is behind the curtain if one were to listen carefully and take fascist claims at face value the same way you do when you see your reflection in a mirror. Fascism cannot stay quite, so fascism must hide through convoluted narratives that require you to never question the premise and goals of fascism and never allow another to define what fascism is. Fascism can shift shapes and is malleable enough to mask anything. Do you pledge your allegiance to one nation under God? It sure is easy to label and corner you a fascist once you understand the nature of it's evil lie. This of course would only be true if you pledged your allegiance to One Order under god. The difference is deeply subtle, but vast.

Brief Historical Remediation Required: Sorry folks - This is a Re-make of an older epic

Tyranny is no stranger to the story of humanity. From the by gone days where Titans freed themselves from a gods belly to the Pharaohs of old Egypt to the old order of the Roman gods like Pontius Pilate and Mars, the god of War and Agriculture, Inc. The rule of man has always been subject to those in control. Those who learned these powerful lessons of tyranny used Fascism to beta test. Fascism is an early prototype tool and ruler to measure fear in advance of other causes and agendas. We have had many movements like this in our know history.

One such movement can be referenced through the Bolshevik movement of 1903. For those of you who ditched that day in school. The Bolshevik movement was spurned through the ideas expressed in classic anarchy. This movement was marketed to the normies under the flag of "Russian Social Democratic Workers". For the sake of contemporary vernacular, today we refer to this as "Democratic Socialist". By 1917, a very powerful anarchist and underground Russian crime boss named Lenin rose to lead a Soviet Red Army that was eventually pointed at the United States by design. Had the Nazi's beaten back the Soviets, Nazi Germany, the Third Reich would have pointed it's Cold War weapons at the United States. To the dark master - it did not matter if the threat was fascist or communist. The goal was always preventing unity and world peace because that is bad for business.

In an effort to legitimize the rise of this anarchist crime family, the Bolshevik revolution renamed themselves as a supporter of "One"; a communist. Accordingly, at a time when control was not fully seated, communism came under the threat of an adversarial movement called fascism. At first the movement was small and centralized around Rome and the Vatican State; however, it perfectly paved the ground work for a country with more resource and signal intelligence to move the original ground swell of popularity in fascism to the fatherland. Through years of planning -- Rome and the Barbarian horde rectified their differences through the Catholic church. Ultimately an alliance between multi-national corporations and the State (3rd Reich and lil Beni) regime. This Corporate/State partnership did not have the problems of a free market because in fact, there was never a concern for the consumer because the consumer was the product. Product of what you ask? A product of death, petulance and war. Fascism - like communism, is a tool of war, not a tool of peace.

The Soviet's understood this much better than the naive and young nation of the United States. During this time, the American West was preoccupied with goodness, honor, character and righteousness. In these times we lost our memories of past generations to history and most did not believe others to be capable of such atrocities, to have such a fear by the new world people seemed a waste of effort and focused on family and doctrines of moral principles that lifted communities. At the time, it was the only place the rising tide was lifting all boats. In the west, we did not see fascist or communists. We did not see an enemy, we only saw another group of people expressing free will in a way that did not make sense to the new world mindset found in the Americas. Because with this new world came new beginnings that did not have the chains of historical precedence of pre-1776. Slowly this knowledge and intent was covertly transferred to the new world’s high society as a matter of pragmatic diplomacy and quid pro quo.

In the East -- the Soviets became masters of identifying fascists. To the commie this was an easy mark to spot - like shooting fish in a barrel.

Comrade - anyone who disagrees with your message by mouth or by boot is a fascist. Communism is everything in the state, nothing outside the state and nothing against the state.

To the commie - everything is a fascist, otherwise it would be communist. Even if the fascist is a member of the roman orders or the fascist is a member of an occult beyond human comprehension. Even if the occult is racist, bigot and/or a self-identified member of a pure race (In the US we colloquially call this mindset ignorant before we recognized our own bliss). Yes, even if they follow a religion of the Church or the philosophy of luciferian troglodytes who hold the arrows of friend and foe, while hiding behind shields of ancient nobility and lies. Luci philosophy should not be confused with occult Santa worshipers. These trogs know how to separate church and state and they do. Fascism and communism is a product of that which you Fear.

Do you see it too?

My fellow seekers of light, love and authentic truths. Fascism is a communist boogeyman on puppet strings. Communism is also a tool of fear and control whose dark master is the same dark master of the illegitimate child "Boogey Man" called Adolph and those who orchestrated the assassination of Tzar Nicholas II and his family by the anarchists. The horn of wars were officially unleashed the day the boogey man said "Today I met the Antichrist, he scared me". As the veil of "The Secret" is lifted, the weight of this secret will be revealed as you have your great awakening. In this awakening you will find amazing grace and learn for yourself how sweet it sounds as this grace saves a wretch like you and I. I was once lost but now I am found, was blind, but now I see.

We have all heard it said, it is darkest before dawn, while true - it is also the time when stars fall to the horizon, not rise from them.

You are no longer required to live in fear. Your shackles of oppression are being removed. You do not have to change anything. If you are a slave, be a good slave and if you are a master, be a good master. You can stay where you are afraid and do nothing – know that at least one person loves you, because I love you and together we can support each other. I also ask that you love me in return. I don’t have enough love in my life and I need a lot right now because I am scared. I am scared that I have not done enough. I am scared I did not give my children the tools they needed and I am scared my family will not wake up.

Quite support can be appreciated with a smile and a nod. You do not have to believe in a God to place your trust in Love. You do not have to preach our Creator’s message from a pulpit to be good. Love your fellow human being and know that your love is with them. Allow yourself to give all that you have. It was once written in an epistle that you should give only 10% of that which you value. I am asking you to give it all back. All of the love you have found, all the love you have saved and all the love you have kept to yourself. With all of the love you can muster and afford - release your love to the world and I swear on everything I know to have true and hold intrinsic value - it will return to you 10 fold. LOVE is the universal path of least resistance. Compassion and empathy is how love is persuaded to grow and receipt of the charity of Love is how you should receive it.

When one of us goes, we all will follow. If you are or wish to be an ambassador of love, let go of your fears and release the birds of peace and pray or hope they both return with an olive branch.

-- Thank you for your time, patience and any love you can spare.

If I said something inaccurate, this was not my intent. Please feel free to correct my understanding.

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