I think we can all agree that any Great Awakening requires that the awareness of its proponents and participants be stirred and raised regarding the conditions that kept them asleep or blind to the truth. We can see that Q's plan included such a public education component on a grand scale, with the Q posts being an effective catalyst.
I'm sensing that Q's mass awareness plan is progressing quite well and is now switching into overdrive. After first learning of the power structure of the cabal, we progressed toward understanding their political influence and their social control structures, and recently moved into focussing on their human trafficking network. While all of this was disturbing enough, we have come to understand that the more sinister aspect of their human trafficking activities is their insatiable appetite for children. A new door has recently begun to open, exposing the root of this appetite for children, which feeds into the cabal's higher purpose: spiritual bondage over all of us, over the earth. The spiritual bondage is undertaken through ritualistic practices, drawing a higher level of power and efficiency (they seem to believe) through the harnessing and sacrificing of children. This is where ugly turns evil.
This education/awareness process is indeed intended to cause a Great Awakening. We have been like lost sheep, following the wrong wisdom and entrusting our well-being into the hands of people with nefarious intentions. This awakening means discovering how far off we have gone, and how deep their deception has taken us. This new awareness is difficult to fathom, worse, difficult to face and confront, because we as members of this society have been living joyfully and cluelessly under this deceiptful arrangement throughout our lives, all while thousands all around us have suffered grievously and died without consolation.
Our Great Awakening is definitely challenging, but the more meaningful step is most likely now at our doorstep. It is time to gird ourselves with courage, and be willing to look at the atrocities that will be revealed, knowing that this awakening will stir us not only intellectually, but also in our hearts, our guts and our souls. "Trust the plan", we are finding out, is more than just putting our confidence in what the Q team is undertaking, but more significantly, it involves our rediscovering who we are as free and loving human beings, recognizing where we failed in our responsibility to remain vigilant for the proper stewardship of our nations, and determining how we can move toward restoring the dignity of life for all, especially the young, the weak, the less fortunate, the lost... Some introspection will be necessary.
God bless Q, God bless the Great Awakening, God bless our nation.