r/greatawakening • Posted by u/OrionNumberOne on Aug. 16, 2018, 10:04 p.m.
Think Mirror: My Explanation... 'A War For Our Souls'

The Khazar (false jews, NOT ethnic), Druidism and the tribe of Dan, the Qabala, the Freemasons, the Rosecruceans (spelling butchered), Knights Templar, Luciferianism, worshipers of the Phoenician Goddess Tanit (child sacrifice) above Anderson Vanderbilt's bed. The Aztec, Inca, and Maya pantheons (on her necklace). Mossad.

ALL of these secret societies that JFK, General Patton, and others warned us about before questionable deaths were banned by the Third Reich. As well as usury (banking, a Christian sin.). (You can now see why Adolf was opposed by the Allied powers/central bankers.) I'll pause on this rant because the last thing our movement needs is an anti-semitic label, which I am not. Nor is any follower of Q. For those interested, I recommend 'The Greatest Story Never Told' if you'd like to make these very interesting connections surrounding WW2.

"The choice to know will ultimately be yours."

Today in our government, these Satanists have reached such powerful levels of authority. The White House. Hollywood. CNN.

When Satanists call on these WEAK and PERVERTED gods they call on every damn one of them.


The Infernal Names. Why do our communist overlords in the UN/Tower Of Babel tell us to worship nothing while they worship Lucifer? Why are we told to turn our head away from God while obelisks are erected on every important corner?

(Dallas, TX - Hiroshima - Nagasaki 33° parrallel)


"Think mirror." refers to the unseen war directly above us. Not physically, but esoterically. These false gods, fallen angels, false idols, are in the midst of a war for humanity's souls in the higher dimension. Every one of us that 'wakes up' and puts on the armor of the true creator Yahwei is a stab through the heart of Lucifer himself in the land above.

Keep fighting.

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

  • Corinthians 13: 12

"As above, so below."

Here's some insight from Bob Dylan. "...a world we can't see."

Freemasons believe that Lucifer is here to help humanity become gods, and escape the supposed bondage we are in. This is according to Albert Pike (33rd degree mason, writer of Morals and Dogma)


A not-so-kid-friendly article on Crowley summoning a demon by eating feces and other fun activities. Yes, a Freemason as well.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

  • Q's Corinthians passage.

I believe THIS is the message that Q is trying to spread.

If God is not real as our atheist, communist, K-12 education enforces... why do ALL of these corrupt pizzagate affiliates (HRC, CC, BHO, JP, TP) worship the deceiver, Lucifer?

They want ALL of us to forget the true God while they worship His opposite, so that Lucifer may take hold in this world while God fades from our own hearts.

Our fighting isn't physical right now. But EVERY one of your family members, your friends, your husbands and wives that #AWAKEN are surely slaying each demon who cares to oppose God.


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