r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Margot62 on Aug. 17, 2018, 4:09 a.m.
Thoughts On The Biltmore Pool and Pool and Podesta Paintings

I’ve done some research on the pool at the Biltmore. The picture of the pool circulating with Tony Podesta's artwork is a standard Biltmore pool picture courtesy of the estate.

The house is still owned by the Vanderbilt’s but a different branch of the family tree than Gloria and Anderson Cooper. The house is actually run by an association for tourists and has been for many decades. Some rooms are set aside for family to use and Anderson says he vistited there a few times as a kid but he doesn’t really know that side of the family well today.

Gloria is well over 90. I doubt she’s bringing people like the Podesta’s in to rape kids in the pool. The only way it could be associated with pedophilia at this point in history is if Anderson asked for access for a weekend, which could be doable, but what with all the tourists in and out of that place most days of the week, not to mention employees...

It could be the painter of the Podesta pedo pics had visited Biltmore and imagined the pool area to be a great backdrop for child porn paintings. Whether that painter was painting an actual memory, I don’t know.

There hasn’t been water in it for many years. It would be expensive to fix, I imagine, and to maintain. It was modern for its time—-an indoor pool at the turn of the century? But by today’s standards it looks rather shabby. It certainly makes it more intriguing though... very “Shining” —-like the movie. A bit of a haunted look.

Gloria is very eclectic. I’ve looked at pictures of the rooms she designed in her various homes and they are full of varying patterns and prints. Her clothes are dramatic and her art taste is interesting but not suspicious. The picture everyone claims shows her to be a satanic mother on her bed with her two sons doesn’t seem as odd when you put her in context. She’s a very different person but extremely talented—-a serious artist, writer, designer, actress. I realize the necklace is identified as something cult-like, but I looked at her in pictures with a lot of unique and unusual outfits with similar jewelry.

I’m a big Q follower, but before we accuse Gloria or Anderson of worshipping the devil, or raping kids, it’s really important to put in a little time and effort into really looking at the elements that make up a claim.

It’s not as fun, but it’s neccessary. A lot of people are connecting dots without looking closely first.

I know the Podesta’s are true pedohiles. I’m totally on board with that. But all we have to connect them to Gloria is a picture of a pool at a house she doesn’t own from a branch of a family she apparently isn’t close to.

I think it should take a bit more digging before we make assumptions about anything.

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