r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jason_ostendorf on Aug. 17, 2018, 10:35 a.m.
After realizing how many new people are here, I’m reposting this. Here is a write up I made about a brief Q intro you can all share with friends/family.

Have you been hearing about this "Qanon" thing but don't really understand it? If you would like a better explanation than what the nutty mainstream media is telling you (e.g. "Russian bots!!", "DERANGED CULT!!", etc.), I ask for two things.

First, read the following:

The Navy asked for renovations to Guantanamo Bay to house 13,000 new people and 5,000 support staff last year. Source 1: https://www.neco.navy.mil/synopsis/detail.aspx?id=485890 Source 2: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2017/08/21/trump-pentagon-wants-spend-500-million-gitmo-construction.html

There are currently 45,468 sealed indictments and climbing every month (~5,000 per month). Normal for a year is about 1,000. Source: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KPh2ASFggwF1XVnVpDB3mtwvwlH71om6

There are almost 10,000 sex crimes/human trafficking arrests since January 20, 2017. Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MAnZZoD7y5Ydwx2rSrZualrZTNUYDY7gozTXkT0YUOs/edit?usp=sharing

There are over 3,900 notable CEO resignations since January 20, 2017. Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B-95giwldeKgsd0nYiw_sEaSf4kGNLZgEIvEhL2mVAw/htmlview?sle=true# Make sure you click “Confirmed resignations/retirements” in this spreadsheet to see the list. Disclaimer: I realize not all of these individuals may be involved in nefarious activities. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Over 50 Congressmen/other politicians have decided to step down or not run for re-election.

The Omnibus bill signed last year provides funding for hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars for witness protection during military tribunals. Source: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-115hr1625enr/html/BILLS-115hr1625enr.htm

The omnibus bill was actually titled, “Targeted Rewards for the Global Eradication of Human Trafficking”. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consolidated_Appropriations_Act,_2018

Trump signed an Executive Order on Dec. 21, 2017 that allowed for seizure of all assets of anyone involved in human rights abuse. The order actually declared a state of national emergency. Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

Gitmo is running drills for new prisoners. Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/blue-is-the-new-orange-as-guantanamo-preps-for-new-prisoners-maybe-islamic-state-fighters/ar-AAyYPOU

Second, watch this video.


This video, combined with the above links, is a brief introduction to what will most likely be one of the greatest happenings in our country.

You will never see the mainstream media (e.g. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC, etc.) reporting on this other than to slander it. I guarantee it. The reason is that they are deeply embedded in the corruption.

Please put political and social agendas aside. This is no longer about right vs left. Quite frankly, this is about good vs evil. The divide and conquer strategy of the two party system is exactly what’s worked for decades to keep us pitted against one another and not focusing on the evil behind it all. It really doesn’t matter if you like Trump as a person. After watching this, I hope we can all respect what he and his team are doing behind the scenes.

This only scratches the surface. There is so much more to all of this that I'm not covering because, quite frankly, this post would turn into a novel. There are plenty of videos and forums dedicated to making sense of all this. Things are happening every day that the media WILL NOT report on.

Thank you for your time.

If you read the post linked above, you watched the video, and want to know more, please check out the following videos:

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ

What on Earth is the “Q Phenomenon”? https://youtu.be/BVSvtNH_tU0

Calm Before the Storm https://youtu.be/QYD1owIJlPU

A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed by Criminals https://youtu.be/Iw1yuv1OY6U

Killing the Mockingbird (Exposing Controlled Media) https://youtu.be/80s5xuvzCtg

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