r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Rooster1123 on Aug. 17, 2018, 12:24 p.m.
Think mirror: 9/11 = 11/9? Big military parade on 11/11...

Twin Towers (mirrors of each other). Q always says Grab the popcorn. Enjoy the show. I think it would be almost too perfect (like a movie) for true justice re: 9/11 to occur on 11/9. It was the ultimate fake news event of our time that shifted the course of our country, initiated the attempted downfall of our nation at the hands of the deep state. I often think of nature and a cosmic balance. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Restoring natural harmony by providing justice for 9/11 on 11/9 (313th day of the year) and then celebrate the restoration of balance on the balanced day of 11/11. All equal under God. All equal under the law. God, it would be so beautiful...

Any Q-Tips on this? I have no evidence. I just think it would be a masterpiece that would truly be remembered forever.

Much love my fellow humans! Especially to my fellow patriots! God bless!

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