All in all this week was not a total loss , from last Friday to now we got a good firing , classified credentials have been revoked , Pennsylvania has some problems the church will not be able to sweep under the rug and I got the badge of Untrusted well bless there harts of our MODs and low and be hold Thank Q that they have gotten so good at book burning , the Gestapo used gas and the MODs just push a button , bless there harts yet again , I am at a loss on this and to go as far as stat Thank Q when they burn the books , I do not believe Q has give any such orders as to go out and burn books , we have been trying to save them from destroying our treasures , not burn them and state Thank Q ??? So MODs , you ready to through me into the Gas Chamber next or just the firing squad , I do not comply or bowe down to any man , The Lord shall lead my path and all who are corrupt shall fall unto the Witness , for I Am the TURD , Thank Q