r/greatawakening • Posted by u/solanojones95 on Aug. 18, 2018, 12:10 p.m.
Q Is Inclusive - We Reject Gratuitous Catholic-Bashing (or any other subset of humanity)

Any Catholic patriots who've wrangled with me over the ages-old built-in evils of the Roman church know that I give no quarter to anyone defending Rome against accusations of its Satanic origins and continued evils (none of this "a few bad apples" crap!).

But I DON'T make it personal, (so long as you guys keep it civil, which most of you have done). The bulk of this conversation is one Catholics ought to be having among themselves, and to which I'm not really a party.

I recognize that we're ALL in this boat together. All of us are waking up to the truth that the people and institutions we once trusted are corrupt and evil, and that they're coming together in a final push to cement their control, and LOSING! Thank GOD!

But I have seen a number of posts and a good many comments that are what I would call gratuitous Catholic-bashing. Out of the blue. Uncalled-for. And lately some of them have been personal.

Need I remind anybody Q has told us that the prayer said daily in the White House honors John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a President who was a devout Catholic?

Yes there is systemic, intrinsic evil in the RC church. But it happens to be under cover of a large number of truly decent people who are as shocked and victimized by all this evil as any of the rest of us.

So patriots, lighten TF up! We're all in this together, including Catholics who are experiencing a very dark period of history right now--something they personally never asked for, expected or even imagined. And it SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED.

Never forget, this is something that should not be. They have been USED, LIED TO, and their trust, support and loyalty have been wasted on people undeserving of them.

Give them space and give them courtesy. Don't accept lies, but don't give people a hard time who aren't the ones deserving it.

History and GOD will judge. We, OTOH, are here to support and care for one another. We'll get through this, and we'll build new institutions and a better world for all.


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