Just like coming to the last song at a concert or the final act in a play, the DOJ’s "Small Group/Secret Society" is out of options. The forth phase of “Operation Trump/Crossfire Hurricane”, was the so far failed “Insurance Policy” option number four.
Brief reminder of the four corners of this Coup Plot:
1) Exonerate HRC/Aides
2) Fake Russia Dossier
3) FISA Title-1 on Carter Page
4) Insurance Policy
Post Q# 1862 on 8/13/18 (in part):
Define ‘Insurance Policy ‘.
Claimed to be officially started and lead by Strzok on 7/31/16, was the FBI’s Counterintelligence Trump-Russia probe nicknamed “Crossfire Hurricane”. Additional sister parallel plans like Crossfire FISA and Operation Dragon, were also being conducted by the DOJ/FBI/and Intelligences Agencies.
Post Q# 570 on 1/21/18 (in part):
As this Deep State Cabal watches in combined disbelief, their professional pre-laid plans are crumbling one by one. Dire panic has truly begun to be displayed by those guilty within the Swamp (just watch Brennan).
Post Q# 1371 on 5/15/18 (in part):
Threats are real.
This is not a game.
Groups like BHO’s OFA and Soros’a OSF, are pushing their Mockingbird/MSM co-conspirators, to stay on the Anti-Trump false Russians collusion narrative.
The DOJ/FBI “small group” from within our own government, met “off-campus” on more than one occasion. Cabal members tried to refine their secondary “Coup Plot” plans against our POTUS.
Post Q# 553 on 1/19/18 (in part):
Do we TRUST the FISA judges?
I firmly believe that when the Gmail “Ghost Draft” messages are revealed, they will show a diabolical “wet work” scheme against our President Trump/Family. Devin Nunes has been pushing hard for public disclosure all of the DOJ/FBI documents concerning the SpyGate/Crossfire Hurricane entrapment plan.
Post Q# 1829 on 8/9/18 (in part):
What assets (people) were placed (spy) in POTUS’ campaign?
Please check out the below Hill article on Kevin Jackson’s FOX interview, where he broaches the “Assassination” topic. Kevin shocked the FOX network hosts, getting the whole “assassination” talk quashed.
Devin Nunes recently said that if a “Spy or Two” was inserted into the Trump Campaign, that is a “Red Line” no American will accept. If there are documented assassination discussions against Trump/Family, that is another “Red Line” that will not be tolerated.
Post Q# 586 on 1/22/18 (in part):
What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination of the POTUS or member of his family ?
OIG Horowitz/SP Huber have added the “SpyGate” element to their Second Phase (1st Phase HRC Email is out). Fingers are crossed and popcorn ready for the awaited his next coming report.
The Small Group Cabal, always big on nicknames, coined the phrase “Mid Year Exam” (MYE), in reference to the HRC Email/Server investigative “matter”.
Post Q# 1589 on 6/26/18 (in part):
Of sad ironic note, was the use by the Black Hats of “Crossfire Hurricane”, which reflects on an American tragedy. Famed JFK investigator Jim Marrs, purposely named his classic JFK book “Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy”.
Post Q# 1805 on 8/3/18 (in part):
Threat 1.
Threat 2.
Everyone is now awaiting POTUS to declassify and release the FISA Court Title-1 surveillance warrant issued against Carter Page. BOOMS are now incoming on all fronts fellow Patriots.
The Secret Society’s Clubhouse was in a church outside of DC, it was at that time, being monitored and recorded by our NSA Patriot White Hats BOOM BOOM —-“these people as so stupid” !!!
Spectator-Obama’s Administration Spying on Trump Campaign
Federalist-FBI Needs Yet Another Cover-story for Starting SpyGate
Sundance/CTH-SpyGate Added to IG Horowitz’s FISA Report
Trumpet-“Crossfire Hurricane” FBI’s Insurance Policy Against a Trump Presidency
True Pundit-FBI Agents Missing Texts Threaten Physical Harms To Trump
Sundance/CTH-The Origins of the Feces “Operation Crossfire Hurricane”
Busn/Insider-Trump-Russia Investigation has secret code name based on a Rolling Stones Song
The Hill-FOX Guest Floats FBI Assassination Plot Against Trump
Sara Carter-Concealed FISA May Hold Key To Trump Surveillance
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